
One with my pen

  I am called to war with my pen. Called to put in black and white words that educate and entertain.. Called to scribble pieces that nurture and counsel. I am in tune with the silent yearnings of this generation and for this I am Called that out of my belly will flow words that heal and comfort. I am a voice, speaking through words beautifully curated to give insight and inspire.


     Hey folks,  I am deeply excited to be back writing on my blog.  Sometimes when certain things happen to you, it takes you back to your first love, which for me is writing and expressively sharing thoughts and opinions.  This blog is back and with great and amazing sections all  planned out.  Please stay tuned and glued to this blog.  Let love lead. 


  CHAPTER 1  “ Sex is Overrated they say…”   I’ve heard the sentence “sex is overrated a billion and one times. It’s probably the opinion of people who really have not enjoyed sex or had the pleasure of enjoying in t imacy.  People who see sex as a chore rather than “the best thing since sliced bread will see sex as overrated. It’s so beautiful that when you enjoy it, you keep going back for more. Every woman deserves to have a great sexual experience every time. And I’m not saying occasionally, I mean every single time.  Why indulge in something you don’t enjoy? If sex has become more of a chore to you then I’m sure you’d really care less if you get it or not. A quick fix to your mindset is to start appreciating sex again. See sex as a beautiful experience even though you may not have been enjoying it. Every great sexual experience starts from the mind (especially for a woman).  Once the mind is right, then other things will follow when done right. Sex is such an extraordinary and the

How to get rid of PROCRASTINATION

  Almost everyone struggles with procrastination. It becomes very detrimental when it constantly stops you from getting work done.   It’s the bane of some Entrepreneur, because they have to double as so many things/positions and it becomes very easy to keep pushing away some daunting tasks. This is literally the reason why so many people under achieve and shut down after the first 2-3 years of operation .   Tasks that we could get done in 5 minutes could take us months to achieve because we keep putting it off and relegating it to some other time that never comes.  I used to be a pro at procrastination. (Well I still get caught up in it once in a while but not so often in a way that allows my work to suffer). I could actively put up an itinerary for the day and at the end of the day I could only tick off one itinerary because I kept pushing back the important tasks and found joy completing the very easy one(s).  If this is your daily practice or you also find yourself (once in a while)

Why Every Entrepreneur NEEDS an Accountability Coach

    Entrepreneurship can be quite frightening, difficult and overwhelming especially if you just started out. The journey can sometimes be very lonely and you constantly have to deal with that inner critic that keeps telling you that you’re on your own and you have to succeed at all cost (and that’s the bitter truth).  Once you set out to run your own business, success is hugely dependent on your ability to not just execute and deliver but to also push yourself to do new things, meet deadlines and handle every challenge that comes along the best way possible.  It’s worse off when you have to work from home. The “anxiety syndrome” of not seeming to do enough creeps in and it can be quite a daunting position to be in. It’s no wonder nearly half of all startups fails after the first few years.  However, the situation doesn’t have to be so. Just because you are now on your own doesn’t mean you have to work in isolation or be alone with no support. This is where an Accountability Coach come

5 Ways To Make 2021 A Supper Successful Year

  Prior to this post, I had wanted to write an open letter about 2020 and how cruel it had treated me and everyone I know. However, after I had written it and upon editing I realized that 2020 had just 3 days left and I shouldnt be fussing over a year that is almost over, instead I should plan on making the coming year a better one. I have learnt quite aot in 2020 and those essons were instrumental in getting through the year and making some sort of head way even in the midst of crisis and all the turmoil. So here are my  5 ways to make 2021 supper successful in both your professional and presonal life. REVIEW THE PAST YEAR How did you fare in 2020 (professionally and personally)? In other to prepare for a successfu year, you must be fully aware of where you are at the moment and identify what worked for you and what didn't work. This will help ypu know where to start and help you determine where you are headed. If you are headed in the wrong direction, then its time to take a turn

Are you ready to take charge of your life?

Are you ready to  Take charge of  your life ?   To succeed  in life or just at anything , you must be  held accountable  for your actions and have support in achieving your goals.   That’s exactly what the ''2021 Goals Accountability Forum'' is all about. To help you be  more accountable ,  support you in  achieving your goals, and  guide you  in not letting life’s curveballs ruin your life anymore.   Say goodbye to the overwhelming feeling of minimal success and take  control  of the obstacles that are standing in your way.   With our accountability coaching  forum , you can finally  create  a routine that allows  for  maximum productivity and  identify  ways to reach the professional and personal  goals you’ve always dreamt of.   This forum is broken down into 3 parts: ➢  LEARN Our accountability coaching program will not only help you learn  about yourself personally and professionally, but you will be held  accountable for your actions and choices every step of the