How to get rid of PROCRASTINATION


Almost everyone struggles with procrastination. It becomes very detrimental when it constantly stops you from getting work done.   It’s the bane of some Entrepreneur, because they have to double as so many things/positions and it becomes very easy to keep pushing away some daunting tasks. This is literally the reason why so many people under achieve and shut down after the first 2-3 years of operation.  

Tasks that we could get done in 5 minutes could take us months to achieve because we keep putting it off and relegating it to some other time that never comes. 

I used to be a pro at procrastination. (Well I still get caught up in it once in a while but not so often in a way that allows my work to suffer). I could actively put up an itinerary for the day and at the end of the day I could only tick off one itinerary because I kept pushing back the important tasks and found joy completing the very easy one(s). 

If this is your daily practice or you also find yourself (once in a while) finding it difficult to do certain things you should normally be able to do, then keep reading  cause I have some “tricks” that works for me and has helped me become very productive. 

So without further introduction let’s dive into it: 

1) Always attach a “juicy” reward to any task that you find yourself putting away constantly

I’ll give you an example. 

As an Accountability Coach (who also has a 9-5),  I have lots and lots of paper work to deal with and researches to do. However, when it comes to creating fresh contents for the week and working on an excel sheet, I always put it away for the simple reason that it’s stressful and requires a lot of brain work. 

I procrastinate until the 11th hour and I have to just do it under so much pressure.  So on my itinerary each day, creating contents and dealing with excel sheets becomes number 1 for me and the reward attached to it is a glass of wine and cheese once I’m done with it. (That’s an absolute treat). It gives me something to look forward to and that fuels my energy and effort to getting it done. 

If you love something, why not attach it as a reward to getting a particular task done. Be it working out, or getting your tax done or as simple as cleaning 

2) Critically weigh the pros and cons 

Another interesting way of getting rid of procrastination is to intentionally weigh the pros and cons of putting away that task.

Sometimes, we procrastinate and don't even give a critica thought t it. We just carry it over to the next day and te next and te next without really thinking of the disadvantages of havng to keep carrying it over. 

 Let’s say I want to workout, but I don’t feel like doing it because I'm tired. I decide to do it in the evening as against that morning. Then in the evening I tell myself that it’s just few hours to another morning, why don’t I just wait till the next morning. At this point, I start a little debate in my head.  I weigh my pros and cons and the only con being that I’m tired. 

That makes the pros win because I have at this point listed 5 pros already (a step closer to my fitness goal, strengthening my cores, perfecting my beach body, getting rid of the toxins I have consumed, being able to flaunt my ridiculously sexy body etc). Now my pros are wining and that imagination gives me enough push to get up and workout 

3) Visualize the bliss of your end result.

Take a moment and think of how wonderful you would feel when you get that work done. This works for me when it comes to cleaning or tidying my home. The fresh smell of a clean home is the bliss for me. Thinking of that pushes me to get the work done immediately instead of re-scheduling it for another time. 

Visualize your emails all sent and the wonderful feedback you will receive, visualize those inspiring contents you want to release and how it would attract more clients to you. That would automatically prompt a shift in your system that would allow you to get that work done. 

4) Speak some hard core truth to yourself.

When it comes to procrastination, some poeple have sunk so deep 9and they ain't even aware) that its now refered to as ''Chronic Laziness''. When I started off my journey towards positive habit change and getting rid of procrastination, I wrote down on a place card some words of affirmation and encouragement that I aways read to myself when I had carried over a particular task twice.  

It takes less that 3 read-throughs and I'm ready to get that work done. This method is more of a mental charge and it's really effective. 

Why not personalize this encouraging message for yourself.

5) Working with an Accountability Coach (like me) 

If you have at some point tried these methods and you are still not able to kick the habit of procrastination (or generally any habit whatsoever that you may want to get rid of),  then its time to work with ME. If your area of constant procrastination is in regards to your health, your business, your career, your financies your relationship etc, then together we would kick that habit for good. Its much more easier to get rid of a habit when you have a coach who has helped you figure out the root cause of the issue and also an action plan to getting rid of it. 

Interested in working with an Accountability Coach, send a mail to

Hope this piece would help you get rid of procrastination for good. 


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