“ Sex is Overrated they say…” 

I’ve heard the sentence “sex is overrated a billion and one times. It’s probably the opinion of people who really have not enjoyed sex or had the pleasure of enjoying intimacy. 

People who see sex as a chore rather than “the best thing since sliced bread will see sex as overrated. It’s so beautiful that when you enjoy it, you keep going back for more. Every woman deserves to have a great sexual experience every time. And I’m not saying occasionally, I mean every single time. 

Why indulge in something you don’t enjoy? If sex has become more of a chore to you then I’m sure you’d really care less if you get it or not. A quick fix to your mindset is to start appreciating sex again. See sex as a beautiful experience even though you may not have been enjoying it. Every great sexual experience starts from the mind (especially for a woman). 

Once the mind is right, then other things will follow when done right. Sex is such an extraordinary and the most amazing activity that every woman should experience orgasm every time they have sex. Let me tell you a short story before we proceed to discovering how to train your body to climax and achieve orgasm every time you have sex. vi “We all know sex isn’t really a vastly talked about subject as Africans that we are. 

It’s almost a “hushed” conversation yet almost every adult is having sex. Some walking away unhappy and very few excited and wanting some more. Growing up, I read a lot of romance novels and I pictured perfectly every sex scene I read. 

The imaginations were so vivid that I couldn’t wait to start having sex. I could almost swear that the day it happened, it will be so great and explosive that it will leave my body quivering like the characters in the novels I read. But that was a LIE. My first sexual experience was terrible and horrible at the same time. I was lying there, so angry at my partner, frustrated cause I felt pain in my lower abdomen. 

I wasn’t even wet so every thrust was so excruciating that I felt my pussy canals were bleeding. It was so bad I never wanted to try it again. I shared the experience with my friend and she said that it was normal. She said no one really enjoys sex the first time and even after several trials women never really enjoy sex and it isn’t really that great as the aim is just to satisfy your man. 

Then she went on to use the “sex is overrated” ending. Her wedding night was the same experience. She had questioned if she really loved her husband or if her marriage would last a year. Then I settled with not having a great sex life like the characters in the novel I’d read. However, I wasn’t ok with a bad sex life. I wanted to try again, hoping it was going to be better. It was same old bad story. Then I tried again and again and again…... vii It never got better. I started resenting my partner and never wanting to have any sexual experience with him. 

My curiosity for a better sex life got me into researching. I realised that only 25 percent of women reach orgasm during sex. That’s so low a number that so many women are walking around sexually unsatisfied. Then I took it upon myself to find the secret to having a great sex life filled with multiple orgasm at a time. I got to find out I did so many things wrong. I relied on my partner to satisfy me, putting in little to no work in the process. I had to first change my sexual orientation and started working on a clean slate. Learning and unlearning theories that weren’t true. Had I not changed my mindset about sex, I would have still been unhappy and probably never having sex. 

Sex has to appeal to you for you to at least enjoy it. It has to create an exciting feeling in your mind when you think of it rather than an indifferent feeling. 

So, if you want to ALWAYS achieve orgasm every time you have sex, please keep reading cause sis, you will thank me a whole lot after this. I’m sure after reading you will get all the climaxing and Orgasms you deserve, from the stars in the sky to the Oh-my-god moments.

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