Oh Life! How do I even start... Is it from your early struggles.... Or the never ending worries.... Is it the fear of the future that weighs heavily on you... Or the assumed arrival that others have of you, Yet you know you are far away.... You were told from childhood ''Stand up for your self and don't expect anyone to hand success over to you'' You clearly misread that cause you were coerced into making most of your decisions. Then you grow up into independence and these questions keep running through your mind Can I ever make it big? Can I stand strong to achieving my dreams? What if the dreams are too big..........(am sure someone else is doing it and I can't be better) You lay awake at night, tossing and turning. Remembering how little the recent pay cheque is and how far success seems. I'm done your mind screams. I will go with the flow. You wake up the next morning and forget your dreams. Your once cher...