Oh Life!
How do I even start...
Is it from your early struggles....
Or the never ending worries....

Is it the fear of the future that weighs heavily on you...
Or the assumed arrival that others have of you, Yet you know you are far away....

You were told from childhood ''Stand up for your self and don't expect anyone to hand success over to you''
You clearly misread that cause you were coerced into making most of your decisions.

Then you grow up into independence and these questions keep running through your mind

Can I ever make it big?
Can I stand strong to achieving my dreams?
What if the dreams are too big..........(am sure someone else is doing it and I can't be better)
You lay awake at night, tossing and turning. Remembering how little the recent pay cheque is and how far success seems.

I'm done your mind screams. I will go with the flow. 
You wake up the next morning and forget your dreams. Your once cherished goals and aspirations becomes an illusion to you. 

They tell me 'every one dreams big, but we all can't  be that successful', your mind keeps saying. 
Maybe I was born to be just content with what life gives me. 

But as you go through the day, Flashes of yourself in your later days comes clearly in your mind's eye. You watched as the silver lining in the sky fades and your strength fails you. All you could clearly see was regrets and no legacy left behind. 

You gnashed your teeth and wished you had not allowed society and situations cage your dreams.

You quickly tore the mediocre placard you had been carrying all along and stepped into the realm of ''I CAN DO IT''.

Step into that world of ''CAN DO''. Do not allow the recent situations around you shrink your imaginations. Always remember you were born to do great and unimaginable things. Break down your big dream into tiny bits and start up with the first tiny bit.

We can all do it....

Kender Talks is back...........Huuurrrrraaaaayyyyyyyy.....(Did anyone miss me..*wink*)
We are introducing new columns and sections on the blog that will amaze you. Just sit back, relax and have fun reading.

E-hugs to you'll.....


Anonymous said…
Thanks for this post..just what i needed to push steps are way better than no step......Your writing skill is top notch,when i grow up i want to be like you lol...and yes we did miss you xoxo paper
Anonymous said…
I liked this one, but i will love to see your stories. and please be consistent...
Anonymous said…
Nice Piece, I will like to read more from you...

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