There was a disturbing amount of fear in her eyes, her lips quivered in deception and her nose twitched for every time she lied. I could sense distress in her tone, but her words mocked my observations. I saw beneath the lies her mouth spoke but I had no reason to doubt the gentle words she spewed, a barrage of loosely knitted words as they flew out of her. Life’s a gift, ‘’I began’’, wrapped and handed over to us. Many unwrap theirs with positive anticipation and an eager spirit hoping to get all they have dreamed of, while some do the opposite. Do we have what it takes to pick the ‘’Perfect’’ gift? I’ll give a negating answer as we are all given a perfect gift regardless of our individuality or personality, however we all have different unwrapping process. Her’s was no different experience from most millennials. Value was placed on the distractions and mundane values other than the wealth of experience and re-shapening gained from the process. Ladened wi...