How to get rid of PROCRASTINATION

Almost everyone struggles with procrastination. It becomes very detrimental when it constantly stops you from getting work done. It’s the bane of some Entrepreneur, because they have to double as so many things/positions and it becomes very easy to keep pushing away some daunting tasks. This is literally the reason why so many people under achieve and shut down after the first 2-3 years of operation . Tasks that we could get done in 5 minutes could take us months to achieve because we keep putting it off and relegating it to some other time that never comes. I used to be a pro at procrastination. (Well I still get caught up in it once in a while but not so often in a way that allows my work to suffer). I could actively put up an itinerary for the day and at the end of the day I could only tick off one itinerary because I kept pushing back the important tasks and found joy completing the very easy one(s). If this is your daily practice or you also fi...