Lessons from the Lantern

Re-living childhood, the globe of a lantern was as precious as a golden ornament that is not to be toiled with. I was the careless one out of the three kids my parents had so the revered duty of washing the globe was assigned to my elder sister and she did it diligently. Every evening at exactly 4pm, she would assemble the two lanterns we had and carefully washed the glasses which availed us the luxury of enjoying an unsteady flickering brightness when power went off. She was not to be distracted as she carried out this duty so as not to break the glass. I was also smart enough to steer clear while she performed this ritual. Not even in my wildest dream did I imagine that this chore will ever pass by and not to be observed by kids now. Lucky them some would say, but I say it’s a shame that they were not opportune to learn this lesson the lantern taught my sister and I. Unknowingly to us, we learnt so much from the lantern that as the flashes of nights spent around the ...