

There was a disturbing amount of fear in her eyes, her lips quivered in deception and her nose twitched for every time she lied. I could sense distress in her tone, but her words mocked my observations. I saw beneath the lies her mouth spoke but I had no reason to doubt the gentle words she spewed, a barrage of loosely knitted words as they flew out of her. Life’s a gift, ‘’I began’’, wrapped and handed over to us. Many unwrap theirs with positive anticipation and an eager spirit hoping to get all they have dreamed of, while some do the opposite. Do we have what it takes to pick the ‘’Perfect’’ gift? I’ll give a negating answer as we are all given a perfect gift regardless of our individuality or personality, however we all have different unwrapping process. Her’s was no different experience from most millennials. Value was placed on the distractions and mundane values other than the wealth of experience and re-shapening gained from the process. Ladened wi

The War Within

The brown rusty leaves rolled over her legs as she sat helpless on the grass. The park was sparsely populated which made it very easy to stay unnoticed. Lifting her head, struggling to see through the heavy clog of tears welling up in her eyes. The day was getting dark, darkness has become her place of solace. She kept a steady gaze at the kids running freely, playing catch while she battled with the decision of either staying back or going home. Home? That house didn’t feel like home and it hasn’t felt like home in a long while. The mind drifted to when she was a child with little or nothing contending for space or attention in her head except for love and the ‘’can do spirit’’, which spurred her to fly without wings and run without shoes to distances that were unimaginable. She lived as free as the wind and that was the bliss of childhood which she fought to get rid of and step into adult shoes. Since stepping into those overly talked about shoes, its been filled with

Ordeals of the Wolverine

   Chapter Two                 --She was a museum full of ART, but everyone shut their eyes at her               From the forced study time in a bid to pass exams under the influence of maama’s baritone voice to the long minutes spent in the bathroom having a swell time flipping through the pages of adult magazines and her best romance novels. The models on the cover enticed her with their slender perfect figures and the stories about women who conquered the world was a delight. Most importantly, she loved to watch the shirtless men who were used to advertise colognes and perfumes that no one really saw other than the chiseled abs of the models. Time, they say really does fly, and so did the years spent in secondary school. Welcomed into a larger world of diversity and conflicting opinions on life issue in the university was becoming a problem which she looked forward to solving. She struggled to fit even though she headed her own clique. Girls and boys that found th

Ordeals of the Wolverine

                             Chapter One __Who were you before they broke your heart? Whole and believing. Everything seemed possible. Little or no responsibility rested on her young shoulders She hoped for a fairy tale and no one could tell her she deserved less. Everyone including the books she read painted beautiful pictures of love so amazing she always dreamed of walking in Cindarella’s glass shoes some day and wished for time for draw neigh for her story to align with that of Rapunzel’s She wore her smiles so bright that you could see her innocence. Incandescently happy with life, her values that were inculcated from childhood was arranged in an order that relationship was age appropriate.  As she blossomed, her priority scaled first on her religion and then education even as she looked forward to a life filled with beautiful memories made with her prince charming. Girls would be wooed and boys would do the chasing. She had to be ready…. How

CAGED....feelings journal

I rolled my eyes at him. I immediately saw his muscles tense, the hairs on his hands stood straight and I could only imagine the effect my eyes had on his cock. He bent over the table and in a husky whisper he said ‘’give me a chance please’’. I was more reluctant at answering him but the rise pitch in his voice was desperate and sincere connoting his unwavering interest in me. He slipped his hand under the table and his hands met mine, I felt the tension as his thumb gently grazed my palm. He drew me closer and kept and eye contact. ‘’I know its still too early to talk about relationships but what the fuck, I really care deeply about you. He swears just like I do. Another thing we have in common. At least if we ever end up together, I won’t be the bad guy that curses out a lot.   ‘’I’ve had so many women who always assume I’m shallow, he continued. ‘’All they think of is having a fling with me, nobody ever knew how desperately I wanted to be loved and love someone bac


Self dating is so important to me. Lately as a single girl I've found self dating so fulfilling that I decided to share with you guys how I have fun on weekends or any other day by myself just getting to know me and what I really do like and Love. Just before I delve into self dating, I should let you guys know that self date isn't for singles alone. Any one (both boys and girls alike) has to have some alone time and get to know yourself more.So since I have been indulging in self dates and finding it utterly fulfilling, here are 7 self date ideas that has totally appealed to me and was totally fun. 1) COOK A MEAL YOU'VE NEVER COOKED BEFORE. The process of trying something new is thrilling. I randomly pick a dish from a cook book and try replicating it. Truth be said, some times I flop badly that I end up not eating the food and getting a take out, however the process is fun. It has helped me know what kind of food I love and can prepare and invariably whe

Sarai's Joy

                                                      PART 1 The place to see and be seen was the Royal Country Club. Those who had been opportune to visit knew it was a play ground for the rich. Their way of life was made known by the activities they indulged in, their simple yet expensive outfits, the kind of ladies they moved with, the cigars that was firmly held in between the middle finger and the fore finger while they played snookers and sipped on some fine expensive scotch. The furnishing of the bar area close to the snooker table was exquisite, from the chandeliers hanging on the ceiling to the brown Italian leather single couch. The lightening was so dim it reflected the traces of the cigarette fumes floating in the air. The snooker room was the busiest of all the rooms in the complex which made her really uneasy walking into the room.  Her hair was pulled up loosely in a bun and she wore a fitted brown shirt and  black pants. Color combination was real