What happens when you get to work and you are told your services are no longer needed?...............In essence fired!

What happens when you invest all you had into a business and it collapses?

What happens when after many years of hard work and strive and yet there is nothing to show for it

What happens when the world treats you with disdain and disrespect like you are nothing?

What happens when situation bangs your head against the wall?

The answer is NEVER GIVE UP.

Am not writing from a perfect point of view.
Am actually writing from experience. I have experienced the lowest point of my life and I know someone maybe in that situation now.

Rock bottom is the lowest point of one's life. It's that stage of your life when everything seems never to work and you are down all by yourself.

Rock bottom is a terrible experience and most people at this point give up on life. Some commit suicide or even get dissociated from the world.

Being fully aware that rock bottom is the most terrible point of anyone's life, what should be done?

Be strong:
 That phrase is so easy to say and yet so difficult to act. But if you are not strong, who would be strong for you. You have to face life squarely.  Be strong to live life with a dogged attitude.

 There are a whole lot of individuals who are looking up to you. Do NOT fail them, Most importantly don't fail ME . Rise above your fears and fight back. When life hits you hard, hit it HARDER.

Be self motivated
At this point, you can't rely on people to motivate or inspire you. You have to be your own motivational speaker. Read books, listen to tapes, practice the act of speaking to yourself positively and finally bounce back to winning. The reason behind self motivation is to keep you strong with a positive attitude. 

Deploy strategic means of moving forward
The Good book says: 'write the vision, make it plain. So that he who runs will see it and run with it'. The purpose of writing down your goals is to give you a direction and a means to go forward.

You have to realize that failure on its own is a lesson and once you have learnt, you are ready to succeed better. Keep your eyes on the expected end and keep striving.

Rock bottom is indeed the perfect place for rebuild. Allow yourself the opportunity to enjoy the painful but yet rewarding process. 

Learn all the lessons there is to learn and restrategize never to fail again. Finally make a beautiful start.


Chidi said…
nice one. Took you time.
Anonymous said…
Kender are you fully back. We missed you.
Kate said…
Kender pls come back. I miss your stories....esp Crisis.

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