The Lady I've Become

I became self aware at 11. At that age, the realities of waking up, making my bed and bathing properly began to set in. At that age all that mattered was play and being accepted by my new friends. Unfortunately that was where I got it wrong. I was more interested in fitting in at all cost even if it meant conforming to a new personality. At 13 I had evolved into a conforming young girl with a lost identity. Making new friends became a priority and with each new friend came a further twisted identity. My priorities had changed and my studies suffered. The nonchalant part of me cared less and my parents had no idea what had occupied me. At this age I got my first bra. Tiny, hard and lemon colored. Mama thought it was best to get me one since my elder sister had just started wearing bra. I vividly remembered that Monday morning when I wore my lemon colored hard bra to school. It was quite uncomfortable and it never made it back to the hostel with me. It slept...