Often times we have been deceived about the reality of being an entrepreneur. I have viewed it as an easy life and a life everyone should envy and this probably is because of the beauty that has been showcased on the internet over time.

I never imagined that being an entrepreneur was such a difficult thing. Yes You read correctly, its difficult. The things social media has painted easy and so simple is fallacy. This thing called ''Entrepreneurship'' is really hard. 

There are so many sleepless nights, head-aching thoughts, mind drifting moments, uncountable paper works (This is where you need TAK), endless strategizing and most of all ''the fear of failure''.

I recently ventured into a virtual business and it's been HELL (for lack of a better word) for me. I have some times gone insane when my ideas are not well represented and I took a moment down memory lane when I used to think that being an entrepreneur was so easy and all I needed to do was just to get it done and make noise on social media. 

When the reality hit me, I imagined the thousands of persons who had thought like me and lazily went about their ideas with a pinch of salt.

I have a 9-5 (job) and combining it with the many things I do which are more of intellectual is far from easy. I have had people ask me how I'm able to joggle it and I'm still aloof as to how I do it. 

In all these I wont fail to tell y'all how it's really challenging and for those that wish to become entrepreneurs, you should know the following:

  • Being an entrepreneur does not mean you are automatically rich. It would take a while before you break even in the market.
  • You will have so many sleepless nights
  • You will have to think outside the box and make good use of your IP (Intellectual Property)
  • Being an entrepreneur requires focus and discipline.
  • Your life is automatically guided and driven by the needs of your business and not pleasure anymore
  •  You will get broke at some point cause you will have to invest in your business.
  •  Time becomes of high value to you. You'll barely have time to relax. 
All these are just at the nurturing part of your business which varies for some people.When your business kicks up, then you can enjoy all you've lost.
 Therefore, bearing this in mind, I'm hoping you buckle your seat belts and get ready to work hard. 



Anonymous said…
Correct, but its not for all

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