Where Did Relationship Thursday's Go To?

I recently got a mail from an ardent reader who has always supported Kender  Talks from inception till date. She asked and I quote "You promised the last time to be consistent with RT (Relationship Thursday's) but you have failed since the year started. Do you want to scrap it off the blog?"

I sincerely appreciated the mail and it came just in time when the "relationship talk" was the bone of contention between my friend and I.  The conversion as always ended with no full stop and was bound to continue as this particular topic is a never ending discussion.

My ideas about relationships, love, marriage etc is quite ''unblending'' with the norm and as such I seem very unqualified to write about relationships. I would feel terrible if anyone comes at me for having beliefs that are nonconforming to theirs.

Don't get me wrong, in as much as this is my space and its entirely my business what I publish here. I would equally want to respect people's views and opinions and not force down the throats of many my "wrong idea" (even though its your choice to take it or leave it)

One thing I've come to understand over my few years on earth is this: People view relationships based on their experiences, what they have seen, read and heard. These experiences are different and this makes individuals have different perspectives of relationship and nobody's view is a standard. 

Whatever works for you may never work for the next person and this spells loudly why I have paused on RT for sometime.

Looking back at my never changing beliefs about relationships which I'll like to share, I believe LOVE is quite an intersting journey


  • I'm a clingy lover. I'll want you all to myself almost all the time.....(out of the norm right?)

  • I strongly believe in that fairy tale love ending of a happily ever after kinda life.
  • PDA is my pledged practice and my man would naturally be a conformed believer 

  • I believe in partnership before marriage. Don't get it twisted, I completely respect the institution of marriage, but I believe partnership between the couple must work first before they proceed to marriage.
  • I believe a man and a woman should cohabit for a while before getting married. (Don't ask me why but I believe it helps 'em know each other better before meeting the "surprises" in marriage. 

I believe a couple (especially married) should have an "escape house" where they go to whenever they need to be alone. We all need a lone time for one reason or the other. 

  • Finally, I don't believe in gender equality. (Sorry, but that's my opinion and I would need a to write an article on this). 

I'm a hopeless romantic and I love love (does that even make sense). My ideas about relationships may not be African or the norm but I'm African at heart. I just want a love life filled with adventure, laughter, growth,  mutual sharing, crazy  fights (its inevitable and it brings couples together) and great friendship

 On this note I'll like my readers to please share their relationship beliefs and let's talk about it. Bringing back RT is still under consideration and when the board has taken a decision, you will be notified. 

Thanks for reading and do have  a wonderful weekend.
Kender Loves you'll

Thanks so much


Ogechukwuadaora said…
Nice one dear,no two relationships can ever be the same but I believe in laid down principles that make relationships work.
Ogechukwuadaora said…
I also believe in 100%commitment both financially and otherwise๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„
Unknown said…
lol never thought you will be a sucker for love
Anonymous said…
Hmmm love love, relationship, what we want and what we receive depends on what we give.nice one dear
Bishop said…
I disagree with Adora Ogechukwu because I don't think relationships should have rules/principles rather understanding is what is needed.
Ogechukwuadaora said…
@Bishop if you read through this blog,you will understand what kind of rules and principles I am talking about.i will suggest you read it properly again.
Ogechukwuadaora said…
@Bishop,I would appreciate it if you read through this blog again cause I made that comment because I read it carefully,relationships have and will always have rules.i suggest you read it again before you dis-agree with me.
Ogechukwuadaora said…
@Bishop,I read this blog post carefully before I commented,I suggest you read it again before dis-agreeing with me
Special thanks to everyone that commented. Love y'll

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