The quest to loose weight has always been a struggle (and it still is) and a never ending journey. So many people in a bid to get a quick fix are compelled to take substances, pills and even injections that are promised to take away the fat literally.
Sometimes these methods seems to work, but on the long run we are saddled with some side effect from those substances taken. Now the question is:
What seems to be the best way out?
Before delving into our carved out plan you must note the following:

- To loose weight, your food choices are even more important than your workout routine. A healthy eating habit is a more sustainable method for weight loss
- Once you start working out, see it as a lifestyle and not a quick fix to get a fast result. This means that both a healthy eating pattern and exercising go hand in hand for not just weight lost but a general healthy lifestyle.
"Get Fit with Kender" (GFK) is an online platform that has through many years of research availed people the opportunity to access a well developed meal plan , exercise plan for different health problems people face.
We have collaborated with nutritionists and fitness experts to give you a long lasting positive result that will aid your general well being.
GFK programs includes
- Menu/meal planing
- Nutrition and food requirement for different age groups
- Diet in non communicable diseases (NCD)
- Weight lost/weight gain management
- Exercise plan.
Follow the handle @get_fit_with_kender on Instagram or send your inquiries to
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