Tell me something on your mind, something you've longed to say but no one is considered worthy of hearing it. 
Some would judge you when they hear it and some would consider it an abomination. Some would say nice things to your face, but beneath those smiles that exposes their half white set of teeth is a leeching claw waiting to dig deep into the victim and suck up all the reason for your existence. 

Living becomes nearly as frequent as a ritual. Leftovers of my remains rot in my eyes and the me who once vowed to'' live life'' and enjoy every split second, whisked away like a sooth dispersing its gathered particles. 

I've sat face to face with my other half and I was dripping in pity for the image that stared right back at me. Her face was engulfed in darkness while her eyes struggled to shine hope but with very little effect. Her frame swung from one end to the other: 
left, right
left, right
left, right
Humming sweet bitter tones draped in pitiable remembrance of dirges sung in high pitched tones. 

The one who made me live is gone and I sit in flashes of the memories of the time when I lived for me. I reminisced on the times  when the only thing that made me raise an eyebrow were matters that concerned me alone. 
They called me selfish but I was too weak for heartbreaks so I lived every moment as it came and reveled in momentary pleasures which faded with the night.

Pleasure would always come and go and so did the men in my life. Each came and scared me deeper than his predecessor. I had closed my life to love and said goodbye to ever being happy in life, but he broke the bars and rewrote my submissions leaving me clinging unto hope and daily praying he would stay. 

His victorious ways resonated with the beatings of my heart and I admired his  courage. I felt our connection more than I've ever done. I loosened my self imposed fetters and laid my life to please his course and loved him endlessly. 

Then after the few months of bliss came the occasional silence during his short trips and with time it became a norm but he never failed to coat my already washed mindset with more sweet lies and wads of dollars. I chose to trust  rather than probe.  

I was seating comfortably in my new found situation when he broke the news to me

''I'm leaving to a place where our paths would never cross, I enjoyed it while it lasted. We were never meant to be''...
                           . . . . . . . . . . . .
His words dropped like a bomb set on an enemy's camp at night and timed to be released at its full potential at a certain time. 

How can this be?
I've nursed and nurtured this manipulative relationship for a long time just to prove my loyalty and now he says ''We weren't meant to be''

Who initiated this union?
Who coerced me into this unfruitful cohabitation that sucked up my drive for life and made me dependent on a human who didn't have my back?
Who on the blissful times rode me to orgasmic moments that drove me insane with pleasure? 

I'm deranged and incapable of taking the next thing life may bring my way. I walk in aimless pursuits and purposeless driven journeys which has rendered me unfit for life.
I rest my case and plead for nature to avenge my course. 

P.S: Inspired by happenings surrounding ''us''


Anonymous said…
Love every word I read

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