The morning came gradually with it's misty smell filled with dew and so was the realization that the first month of the second half of the year was almost coming to an end. And these words hit me like a torpedo living an outlandish feeling of guilt as the memories of January 1st etched into my mind.

The year had started off with so much anticipation and eagerness to not just achieve my goals but to over achieve and "kiss asses". As we traversed into the second, third and fourth month, the rather iridescent year I had envisaged turned gloomy and standstill. The gusto and zest I had at the beginning of the year waned before my eyes and I could only imagine in despair yet another year end filled with excuses and regrets. 

I dragged my peevish self off the bed which was sadly still inviting and went straight to my "drawing board".
What had gone wrong?

Then I wondered if I was the only one who was facing the same plight........

How has the year been for you?
How many of your goals for this year have you ticked "done"?
Have you even given a thought to how many of your goals you have carried over to the next year repeatedly......

So the question is "What is stopping you from taking actions on those goals?"
  • Uncertainty 
  •  Fear
  • Money
  • Indecision....
 To move on and get passed this stage and look forward to a year end of celebrating all goals achieved, you must take a conscious decision to take action regardless of those obstacles.....(I know what you're probably thinking...."I've heard this  countless times but I still have not done anything. Then maybe you are just bent on doing nothing and you are obviously not the kind of reader I hope to inspire.......HURT...? Read on).

I'd want to inspire you as much as I could. So why don't you go back to you 'drawing board'' like I did.....
  • Restrategize
  • Make your plans and goals real by breaking them into tiny bits and starting off with the least
  • Feed your mind with the knowledge it needs to accomplish those goals
Do not quit until you see every little bit of those goals actualized (cause guess what.....You ain't a quitter).

This is a wake up call to continue striving and never give up on your dream cause it means a lot to me but most importantly to the world at large and YOU. 
Wake up every morning draped with an elan attitude and don't forget to remind yourself that "You can do it".

You are success personified
Talk it
Live it
Do it

We will recount our successes and conquest by 31st December 2017 while chugging on our favorite drinks cause it will be well deserved.

Kender cares......


Dillie said…
Thank you kender......
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the courage and motivation...cant wait to see end of the year with my resolve to wake up as you advised

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