JUST DO IT ! ! !

Waiting for that billion dollar idea to hit you?
It may never hit you cause you may already have had that idea but you devalued it and considered it not worthy enough to give you that big break.

Let me go further to explain with a scenario.

I conceived TAK (The Assistants by Kender) two years ago and late last year I decided to take action and start off an online service.
(Creating written contents and Copy editing/proofreading) 
The original idea was (and is still) a publishing house, however as the funds and other means were not in place yet I decided to start off online first.
Fast forward into six days ago when I got an inspiration to expand my reach and send out proposals to media houses, newspapers and Blogs about my service. The idea was really great and I couldn't wait for the weekend to come so I could work on a really great proposal. 

Now I'm seated here and really thinking if I should go ahead and work on the proposal or not. Mixed feelings came and I started questioning myself on my competence. I literally developed cold feet and questions came popping up.

  • You are just a freelance writer/Editor, which media house would work with you?
  • You didn't even study Creative writing in school (asides the online certificate I got earlier in the year) so which certificates would defend your skills?

These questions honestly made me weak and frustrated that I just decided to cancel the idea and wait for a better time. 
On closing my laptop the words ''JUST DO IT'' hit me. 

I may not be the only one who battles with seeing an idea to a finish point or waiting for some grand opportunity to appear and make the big change in our lives. 
That billion dollar idea or business plan you are waiting for to hit you may already have, but just like I did, you devalued it or dismissed it.  

Look around you, what you may have been looking for might just be staring you in the face and you just don't see it. Never take light any idea or opportunity because the big break may just be in it. Even if it doesn't work out, at least you learnt a way NOT to go about it. 

Life happens so fast that if we don't take actions, we may end up regretting what we never did. The worse that could happen is failing at it which is still great (if you ask me).

So I will go ahead and write to Media houses and blogs/websites owners on creating written contents and Editing for them. If everyone rejects a freelancer who doesn't have paper qualifications but has over four years of experience in Creative writing and Editing, so be it.

We will keep trying and doing it regardless. 
peace out guys....✌


Unknown said…
Doubts always arises even when you are doing something you are talented in..... Neededs for new ideas.... Nice write up
Ogechukwuadaora said…
Your so right on this one
Damien said…
Kender, I salute your courage and determination...I am inspired by it.
No wonder they say 'Winners don't quit'
@Damien thanks so much for reading. Really winners never quit. We keep pushing till we make it

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