The Kender

Sometimes we take so many things for granted.
Gratitude crawls out the window and we seat sipping on a big cup of entitlement and forgetting that those little things in life matters dearly.

We look forward to more and even much more that the realities of the Now and not so big accomplishments made in the past fail to count.
I woke up today feeling very emotional. Hard stare at the mirror and tears rolled down my eyes. I remembered the days when I woke up to Mum’s lovely voice or Dad’s sleepy voice calling me for morning devotion. I would grudgingly seat up and I wished for a little more sleep.

I woke up today to neither Mum or Dad’s voice. I woke up after hitting the snooze button 12 times. I had more than a little more sleep but I missed those mornings when I was woke up to their voice.

Oh! how I missed those evenings when we all sat at the balcony and talked endlessly until we all fell asleep leaving only my Mum to keep talking (She is a talker). I valued those moments and I look forward to recreating moments like that and enjoying every second of it while telling them how much they mean to me.

I stand today purging myself of every ingratitude, ripping every garment of hopes that happiness lies in having it all. I drop the baggage of self-guilt from failed relationships and embrace joy in self-dating until the time is right for a new relationship. I wear the crown of gratitude and embalm my lips in thanks, soaking up every moment of my day on earth with joy. I pledge to live life, drink in the journey to having it all, and appreciating life, family and friends.

You are never afraid to die, when you have actually lived. I choose to live the heck outta life and raise my head high in solemn thanks and praise to God for the gift of life daily


Anonymous said…
Word, loud it
kiara said…
Most of us take little achievements for granted. meanwhile more post ma'am. stop disappearing on us.

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