Washed away constantly by seasonal distractions orchestrated solely to heal.
Daily solace sought in the welcoming arms of brown liquor while pacing endlessly in an empty space
A tear stained pillow when the effect of alcohol wanes and it becomes triple glaring on how aching the events had turned out
Conversations with acquaintances become a necessary escape space.
But for how long would this acid corrode the walls of her heart leaving her cold and empty.

A warm soul that fiercely faced the journey that so many cowardly refused to embark on.
What was her crime?
Pain was her reward for being brave.
And anguish was her long-suffering punishment.
Pain…….the bitter silent liquid ravaging the interiors of the soul and leaving its footprint of damage.

The emotion we dread, while almost never thinking twice to dish it out.

Emilia, sweet and gentle. Loving and so introverted you would never see the storm she battled with daily. At a young age she was told that Love was so amazing that everyone should experience it. She looked forward to that experience while basking in the wealth of experience she got from her parents. She got her first lessons first hand and undiluted from her parents. Mr. & Mrs. Louis, they could do no wrong in your eyes. They lived like they had thoroughly studied each other’s manual during creation. 

It was perfection that the world needed to learn from. Haven had that basic foundation, she courageously looked forward to finding love and worshipping her partner all the days of her life, showing him how Love edifies, fills and lifts any soul engulfed by it. Her reality was a fairy tale to others.

Tayo was emotionally abused as a teenager and Love sounded like a weakling’s language to him. He had fought and broken so many hearts as was done to him. He felt the world never deserved Love. He never experienced Love. He saw relationships as a battle for power and whose words would stand over the other. 

He had seen his father abuse his mother and the mother bend the knee to his Lorship. The cruelty of suituationships was his experience and his story. 

Emily showed him what it meant however; he couldn’t comprehend it because he had never known LOVE. The constant conflict in interest and the needs of the heart caused a void too large to be filled. The foundation of their upbringing clashed severally, gradually creating an untamed beast in Tayo while erasing the true definition of Love Emilia had from childhood.  Broken and pained, they both pathed ways. 

Healing may come when the truth of what LOVE encompasses settles in the broken fragments of the hearts involved. Loved is often misunderstood and dreaded. Its shamed when expressed and abused when given wholeheartedly. For hearts that have found it, they would enjoy the bliss and peace that comes with it while some may be too scared to show it, some deliberately hide it cautiously avoiding hurt that comes when its trashed in your face.

She loved flawlessly and got pain in return, But she would heal and her scars would turn into a beautiful reminder of how brave and fierce she was and she would tell her story no matter how untamed it is.


 KENDER TALKS...............for the love of ART


Anonymous said…
nice piece

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