I was relaxing on the couch and didn't feel like going out. I had already changed into my night dress even though its was just 3:15pm in the evening. I was patiently waiting for my favorite TV show to air while scrolling through the music channels over a bowl of freshly made pop corn. I heard a knock on the door and it was my mum. We briefly talked about her day as we struggled over my pop corn. Then my phone rang.

''Hello........I was still trying to figure out who was on the other end of the line when his voice blared into my ear.
''It's me Patrick, how are you''
''I'm golden ''(I had learnt that from my friend and I probably use it more often than she does)
''I just got into town and I wanted to hang out with you, are you free''?
''Am home already and I don't think I would want to go out again'', I said squeezing my face as though he could see my disapproval.
''I'll be leaving tomorrow after my meeting and it's really urgent we see''

At the mention of the word urgent, I quickly agreed we see. He promised to come pick me up in fifteen minutes. As I hung up and went to get dressed, I kept trying to put a face to the name but I couldn't remember who he was. I was hoping that as soon as I saw him I would remember him. 

At exactly 4:20pm he was at the door with a huge smile playing on  his face. 
''Good evening, how are you?''
''I'm good, you look good''
''Thanks, but am still trying to figure where we met''
''We met here at your place''
''Here? when?''
''I came with my mum to see your parents some months ago and we talked and exchanged numbers. 
I actually felt bad when I remembered him, cause my friends usually told me I was very terrible at recognizing faces and one day I would be so embarrassed cause of it. I guess this is one of it.

We got to a good restaurant. The food so spicy and well served. He let out the first sound. It was like a sound from a ceiling fan that had just lost it's grip. I looked at him and he smiled.

Na wa ooh

This man just belched so audibly and simply smiled about it. I kept cool and continued eating and practicing the table manners I had learnt over time. 
He did it again. 

Gosh! I don tire!

This time it was accompanied by a long exhale that sounded like he just got off a pool or a river. I didn't bother looking at him, I was more interested in looking around to know if other people were looking our direction. 
''My dear, it seems you don't talk while eating?''
''No I do, but I don't think we should talk until we are done eating''

I was seriously avoiding an eye contact cause I was shy for his sake. The next time I looked at him, he had the salad dressing smeared over his mouth. 
Omo, I had to quickly call his attention before someone else did. 
''You have the dressing smeared on your face''
''Oh! thank you, I'll clean it.
He kept eating without cleaning the cream off his face...............(tears.....)

At that point, the food had gone sour in my mouth. I just kept going through the pictures on my phone and gently waiting for him to finish. He finally finished eating, drank water and let out the loudest sound while tapping his feet continuously .


Did I fail to mention........his fingers were his tooth pick. My face at that time was covered in shame and I was looking around to know if he has unconsciously attracted an audience.  Swinging my head to the other side my eyes met his and he smiled like a baby who was obviously satisfied after a good meal of breast milk. 

''My dear (with a very lovely accent).........I actually wanted to discuss...................I have an interest in you..........(silence)......If you wouldn't mind...........I would want us to go into a relationship.
It felt as though a big rock had been lifted off his shoulders. I just smiled at him and allowed my mind wander of in some imaginations. 

If this good looking guy with a nice accent had such nasty habits in public, what's the fate of the inside. As far as am concerned it would be worse. He could be a terrible snorer, he could have very bad sleeping postures, he may have the worst bathroom/toilet etiquette. Everything about mannerism could just be wrong with him and he would constantly embarrass one in public.

I''ll think about it, then I'll call you (of course I wont). I need to go cause it's getting late. I sincerely thanked him for the meal and quickly grabbed my purse and zoomed off.

Everything would always go wrong for people with bad habits especially ones who display it in public. He obviously lost a precious lady just because of his bad habits and may loose more precious things in life cause of it. 

Habits can be unlearned. If you have any bad habits, do yourself a favor and correct it cause its for your own good.
What's  your story with bad habits or bad mannerisms. Lets hear it.

Big hugs to you'll
Do have a lovely day
#Kender cares


Unknown said…
That is a nice one..Keep it up!!!!!

Anonymous said…
Kender, u re so funny. Nice story
Anonymous said…
Nice one
Anonymous said…
Hahaha hahaha hahaha. I can't stop laughing.
Anonymous said…
I can feel u Kender. It has happened to me before. It can be so disgusting.
Anonymous said…
Hhahahahah. I just read this its so funny. *Ruth

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