PART FOUR.

Dusted and retrieved cause my life has taken a new turn. I have a new job, its not exactly what I wanted but at least its a good way to start off. 

My first day at work was exceptional and I'll tell you why. I was told by my interviewers that punctuality was one of the core values of the company. So I made sure to arrive work some 30 minutes earlier. Unfortunately for me, punctuality was one of my weak points, but I struggled to wake up early enough. My bathing usually takes time as I would dance in front of the mirror and access my body generally. Checking for any part of my body I may have added some extra unwanted weight.

Not that I would exercise to shed the extra pound (I am too lazy to exercise and you'll know that), but at least, I would keep a tab on my diet and start counting calories. Skipping my unavoidable routine made me feel like something was missing, but the rewarding part of it was that I arrived work early on my first day and made a good impression.

On getting to work, I found out that the whole place was full of young men and few older men all dressed in suit of different colors. I seemed to be the only girl in the building until I met another fair skinned girl. She smiled so aggressively as she walked up to me (I was afraid for a moment though). She introduced herself as Emily and asked if I was the new girl. In my mischievous way, I said no. We both smiled and she led the way to my new office or would I say cubicle.

Emily further told me that she was the head of the department I was going to be working under. My whole excitement dropped. Not because she had given me any cause to worry, but many people I had spoken with had this opinion that female bosses can  be a pain in the behind (Please excuse my expression). She equally told me we were the only female staff in the company. I was not bothered by that, only that I would be restricted in certain things I wanted to do.................(You will have to figure that out....hehehehe).

I got settled and arranged my stuff on my table waiting for the general staff meeting which would hold by 9am. The MD gets to introduce me to all the staff and I get to know the faces I am going to be working with. At least that was what Emily told me.

I quickly touched up my make up (I needed to look extra good nah!) as Emily appeared in front of my door to signal that the meeting was about to start. Gently sitting as one of the men helped pull out a seat for me amidst smiles. I was undeniably shy and kept my face down for the better part of the meeting. I noticed a lot of the men starred at  me including the older men. I tried to remember some lines from the power and confidence book I had read, but my memory failed me. Instead funny ideas came into my head and as always I giggled.

The Managing Director came in and the meeting started. His speech was long and unending. Several departments had their weekly reports reviewed and finally I heard my name. Every one in the room started clapping and I joined them as well. I was so uncomfortable at the meeting and when he said the meeting was over I exhaled deeply and got up to leave. They all came towards me and started welcoming me with handshakes. I was obviously not looking at everyone's face and was praying the whole 'stop and greet' would end. 

Then I noticed one of the men had stayed in a corner, perhaps waiting for others to leave. I looked closer to see him in between two huge men and it was Moses (I know you remember Mo right?) Well I was surprised and shocked at the same time. The workaholic was not even working for himself but was employed like the rest of us........ Instead of a handshake others offered while they told me their names and which I of course forgot two seconds after they said it except for the average cute dark boy with a blue suit on that smiled genuinely as he told me his name, he wanted a hug. I declined and went away, straight to my office. It was annoying enough that he was there and now he wanted to appear so familiar with me and probably spoil my chances of having new friends.

No man will put sand into my garri or use their reggae to spoil my blues oo

I got back to the ladies, sanitized my hands and freshened up. I was going to act like he was not there and avoid him as much as possible...........

                                                           be continued


Unknown said…
Lolol.. Very funny.. Nice one kender
Thanks for reading Charles
Thanks for reading Charles
Anonymous said…
I've waited for this . So nice kender
Tanks dear. Happy holidays

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