When detox comes in mind,  the  next word that follows is toxin. Its the last month of the year and we all eagerly await the next year. I sincerely think its the best time for goal setting and planing for the new year. We don't have to wait for the 1st of January to start planning and setting goals.

That being said, some may have laid out the plans for next year, some may have written down goals for next year, some have it all in their mind and are patiently waiting for my dear friend 2016 to execute all the plans. Many have mapped out a detailed new year resolution all in a bid to make the next year a better and more fulfilled one.

All these measures are good, but there still remains one more thing to be done before we embrace the new year. This one thing may encompass many things but I thought it necessary to share with my readers my thought, cause we all want the best for each other.

Its all good for us to look forward to a new year with so much expectations and resolutions for a better life. Becoming a better you is usually more obtainable when its a fresh start, like a new year. But can you pour a new wine into an old skin bag?

The answer is NO............and that's why  detoxing is very important before the new year.

Detoxification is getting rid of toxins in the body. Now over the years, we have unconsciously or consciously acquired some kinds of toxins into our "system". Toxins like hatred, unforgiveness, laziness, procrastination, envy, grief, impulse spending, etc. These things eat deep into our personality and even after planning for a new year and  new habits to adopt, we see ourselves sliding back into what we previously rejected as a life style.

Therefore detoxing for a new year is paramount in other to achieve all the set goals for the year and have a healthy attitude towards life. Get rid of the hatred, forgive those who has hurt you, let go off the past, embrace who you are and hope for the best. Support others sincerely and as much as it depends on you, be sincere, trustworthy and love others.  So am going to be sharing some practical steps to detoxing for a new year.

Steps to detoxing:

* Write out all the negative habits you wish to drop before the end of the year.

*Replace them with a new positive habits and make a daily and conscious efforts to drop the negative ones.

 *Find books that talks about handling such habits if you can't stop them on your own.

*Write down a list of all those who may have hurt you in the past. Call, text or email them that you have forgiven them sincerely. 

*If you have hurt anyone in the past, equally call to ask for their forgiveness.

*Discipline your thoughts to stop thinking about those things in the past that weigh you down. Quit talking about them

*Start practicing your new year resolutions now and before the new year, you may have started getting used it them.

*Clear your mind of all the hatred, envy, and negative thoughts. Replace them with love and positivity

*Avoid those friends who do not have the same vision in life with you and constantly talks down on you. Great friends support and encourage each other and most of all gives constructive criticism.

*Set out a day for just yourself. Away from others, chats, Facebook, instagram etc and have a sober reflection. Discover every beautiful thing about you and channel your inner strength into seeing them become a reality. Write down those things about you you wish to explore and creatively achieve them all.
            I do not know it all, and I believe there are so many people who have some thoughts to share on detoxing and having a fresh start for a new year. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comment box below

NB: A candle can never get dimmer by sharing its light

I sincerely appreciate you for reading..........Thanks alot 

#Kender cares!


Anonymous said…
Tanks for the steps. We need a detox
Anonymous said…
Good one Kender. Detox for 2016
Anonymous said…
Always knew that I needed this. Thanks for clarification
Anonymous said…
2016 detox. Gd one
Anonymous said…
Thanks Kender. I have tried this and its working for my new year. Thanks

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