The Love Struck Bimbo

                              EPISODE ONE

......You're mechanical. Loving you is meaningless. It's like loving a robot because you only do as you are told which is damn so boring. Get a life.
Her thoughts were interrupted thankfully by the buzz of her phone. The interruption was on time as the warm fluid welled up and dropped down her cheeks.

'Hello' her voice came on, not loud enough but she pushed further. I was told that you would call, holding her breath she quietly listened as she came off too strong. After few seconds the voice from the other end of the line came up.

'It's Sarah, Michael gave me your number and I hope we could meet in person.
Meeting in person was a great idea for this new deal but time was of essence to her. The backlog of paper work she had left undone were much and her recent resolve of not having an assistant was not helping matters.

'How about we schedule a meeting for next week Thursday she said in a velvety tone while looking through her calendar to confirm Thursday was actually free.
'That's OK'
'I'll send you a mail as to the venue as I may not be coming to the office on that day.
'Sarah.......' Her voice resonated with the radio.
'Yes?' Can I get your full name?
'Sarah Martins, thought Micheal made a formal introduction before now? The question from Sarah drew her aback. Mike had actually told her all about the new client and what she wanted but she had a lot on her mind then.

"Are you Nigerian?"
"Your surname."
"We bear my father's first name. I'm Ibo.
"I see. Talk to you later. She hung up and pulled the stack of tissue on her left, selecting enough to wipe her face.

Sinking back into her brown leather chair, she tried to remember what Mike had told her about Sarah. It was difficult to recollect as events that happened on the morning preceding the night that Edward broke up with her had totally eluded her consciousness.

How could she remember anything that had happened that morning. Its been a painful night and she has had so many painful nights and days that pain was part of her life.  Life had been filled with truculent events after events that work was the only reason she lived for.

Purple drew a deep breath. Maybe a little time alone in this room which she signed advertising contracts worth millions of Naira would bring some sanity to her or maybe help her mind drift away from the ancient torture that had its mark clawed deep in her inside.

"Yes, depressing the intercom button.
The low shaky voice came off innocently
"Your driver is here, Anna said.
"Tell him I'll join him in five.

This was one of the many meetings she had called to reschedule when Edward called two weeks ago inviting her on a little vacation which his company sponsored for their top executives. She had picked the call in excitement owing to the fact that he had not called in days even after she had called not less than 6 times every day. When he told her, she cringed a but, afraid to tell him she had other work plans.

"You can always reschedule your meetings. I want you to be with me.
The feeling of being needed always surpasses any other feeling in her life. The thought of Edward wanting her for the week was such a relish. She completely forgot about her annoyance at his behavior previously and his refusal to pick her calls.

Maybe he wanted to make things right she thought as she grabbed a sit close to the kitchen counter. She didn't care about anything even if he asked in such a surly manner.

"I'll come with you", she said as she winced starring at the picture of herself and Edward in front of her. The picture in the frame has been replaced countless times.  With every new lover came a need to change the picture.

A jolt of adrenaline shot through Purple as she thought of the many times she has had to change the pictures.

''I'll send you details shortly and please don't bring work along with you, he hobbled. With that he hung up, leaving her wishing for more of his sweet baritone.

She was  a doting girlfriend and she wandered why Edward or the rest didn't see it. The need to be loved gnawed continuously without being quenched. 

The vacation didn't go as planned. Edward always seemed distance and she worked harder at impressing him. When he had obviously had enough of her ''overly nice attitude'' as he called it, he called it a quit. Yet another three gruesome years gone down the drain.

Purple picked up her Dior bag which she remembered had cost her over $1600. Another reminder that she didn't have the most important thing in life. This is what her life was about. Owning and wearing expensive designer items in misery.
                                                          be continued

(If you enjoyed this episode, Why not leave a comment to let me know you would want to read more episodes.)

photo credit: @JUDE_DEVIR


Unknown said…
Nice story..... This is exactly what happens to most working class ladies..... Would really love to see the continuatoin of this story... Thumps up 👍
Ogechukwuadaora said…
Pls I can't wait for the second part.
Anonymous said…
Nice one dear, when are we expecting part 2.

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