Shackles binding the feet and not neglecting the scars on the wrist which seemingly fades with time. The mind keeps racing and plotting plans of escape which never really actualizes. 
The body isn't left out in it's stagnant state leaving life to glaringly state the obvious which is a viscous circle of vanity. 

Are we actually made to survive, to live or just to exist?

Who are these children wearing adult bodies?
Who are these kids made to stand strong in decisions instead of playing naked on the street.  

They are the 90's babies who adulthood has engulfed. We are bathed in responsibilities and forced to grow up in an environment highly unstable. 

Clothed in an ensemble that isn't really the reality and forced to walk in the shoes of the ''adored model''.
The struggle has become real and survival is an obvious  quest.
How does help come to the revered adult who has failed in mind to brace up to challenges?

Independence has come upon us and we must survive and float ashore by all means.

We all will survive!

In honour of this post, Kender is embarking on a personal project which of course would be published here. More details about this new addition to the blog would be released shortly.

Happy New Year Kendites.


Anonymous said…
Nice piece.. if I got the import of your piece well.. then there is only one thing in mind it can only get worse for the hedonistic generation as there are few means to make ends meat on each passing day. Much love from the kender boi
Ogechukwuadaora said…
You keep inspiring us.thank you
Anonymous said…
Cool one sweet
Anonymous said…
nice piece Kender. Your expressions are deep and abstract at the same time. Only people who closely read in between the line would understand.

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