I recently watched a video, which by the way inspired this post. I watched over and over again with rapt attention and for every time I listened to that woman, it dawned on me that our problem as women lies just within us. 

My Mama once told me that no man can watch my back the way a woman would. My Mama always believed that we women should stand for each other. I was still very young then so it didn't really sink. 

I've grown up watching woman tear each other down. Sometimes not necessarily because of men or anything serious but because of some lame unhealthy competition laced with envy. For the many times I dared to leave my comfort zone and become better at making the world a better place,  I received the most commendation from the men. 

A lady would rather criticize than encourage just to make sure you ain't better than her. 

Why all these fights, silent bickering and jealousy draped in kindness?
  The lady seated next to you isn't your competition and she is not less of a person because she doesn't have what you posses. 
I am not completely innocent of these things but an awakening in my spirit and a paradigm shift began a year ago when I realized that the only person I'm in a competition with is MYSELF. 

I have learned over time to work at being better  than who I was the previous day and I put in a conscious effort at achieving that. 

I'm all about supporting my fellow women because we women have some hidden and amazing abilities that if well horned, would just be out of the ordinary. It's not just in the saying or using the numerous hashtags on social media, advocating for woman to support one another.......NO!

It's in the action. It's a doing word and the actions should speak for itself.  This movement should be aimed at nursing a deliberate effort to help women, support women, encourage women and most of all appreciate women. 

Let all the derogatory statements and acts against women by women stop and lets learn how to treat each other as the queens we are. 

Thanks to these people on Instagram for inspiring me. Please follow 'em.


Unknown said…
Guns don't kill...humans do, thank you for this.....

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