2018 RECAP: How It Went Down

Needless to say, 2018 went by pretty fast but not without leaving us (or should I say ME) changed. The year started rather slowly and it took ''ages'' before January came to an end. Just like every other year, I had dreams, goals, visions and it was going to be a really good year I told myself. My plans were written boldly so I would be reminded of it daily. February came and I birthed my new babies: The Assistants By Kender (TAK) and Get Fit With Kender (GFK). My two babies were doing great and an additional arm of the Kender brand made me so happy and I worked relentlessly into making each of 'em grow. March was terribly trying. I got so ill that I feared I may not survive it. If you stay alone, sometimes you get really scared of getting sick cause no one would take care of you especially at night. That being my case, I didn't want to compound issues by telling my parents because I didn't want them worried. Most part of March was spent ge...