2018 RECAP: How It Went Down

Needless to say, 2018 went by pretty fast but not without leaving us (or should I say ME) changed. The year started rather slowly and it took ''ages'' before January came to an end. Just like every other year, I had dreams, goals, visions and it was going to be a really good year I told myself. My plans were written boldly so I  would be reminded of it daily. 

February came and I birthed my new babies: The Assistants By Kender (TAK) and Get Fit With Kender (GFK). My two babies were doing great and an additional arm of the Kender brand made me so happy and I worked relentlessly into making each of 'em grow. 

March was terribly trying. I got so ill that I feared I may not survive it. If you stay alone, sometimes you get really scared of getting sick cause no one would take care of you especially at night. That being my case, I didn't want to compound issues by telling my parents because I didn't want them worried. Most part of March was spent getting better and then resuming work. I had to make up for the one month I was absent on all levels (9-5 job and my new babies)

In April, TAK got her first job and I was beyond thrilled. It was a freelance copy editing job and even though I made just a little off of it, I was happy regardless.Things were looking up and I couldn't complain even when my job was becoming more demanding. 

May passed by just before I noticed it came and so did June. 
July came with a lot of trials. I was constantly in distress and at that point it seemed everything was just going wrong. Nothing seemed to be working and  my days dragged on for too long. I was tired at this point. Revisited my goals for the year several times every day and after each exercise, I cried profusely at how badly I had done and I honestly didn't know how to go on. 

Then August came with the heart break. I've always had a philosophy about relationships and one thing I dreaded the most is heart break. I always knew I couldn't bear it. So what I did in every relationship I had been in was to keep one leg in and one leg out. It's just like wearing a heart guard and not allowing yourself fall in love. However you know what they say ''You don't tell the heart who it falls for''. I became vulnerable and them BAM!!!!! , my heart was broken. It was so difficult getting over it because I never spoke to anyone about it. I bottled it all up, which by the way I'm against. I advice you talk to some one when you are hurting especially after a heart break. 

September which happens to be my birth month came and for the first time, I wasn't thrilled about my birthday. I felt there was nothing to celebrate. September also marked the beginning of the drought phase of my Life. September all through November was something else. I was so broke and none of my side hustles were paying. Like I always do, I cushioned it and wrote down every thought that crossed my mind.

December was a bounce back month. So many dreams and ideas were birthed when I was down and I certified myself truly single at that time. 

2018 in summary was filled with so much life lessons that I needed to have learnt, even though I learnt the hard way. I never truly would have understood love deeply if my relationship didn't fail. I never would have had a proper financial analysis/plan if I didn't suffer some financial set backs. In all, it was a total package experience and it made me value life more and really learn how to be a proper adult. 

Most of the lessons I learnt would be shared here especially as regards to relationships. 

Happy 2019 to y'll and may the year bring so much fulfilment, amazing opportunities and blessings our way. 

I love you'll and I promise to make 2019 even better with greater and much more diversified content.

Signing out of 2018 with LOVE.
See you'll in 2019.


Unknown said…
You didn't talk about any fun filled part?
Like movies, hangouts, fun chats. Pls don't scare me this year.
Strike a balance, and be rest assured that am tracing the "heartbreaker".
Happy new year aunty Kender.
Unknown said…
@Gizzy Dickson happy new year dear. More amazing stories this year

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