So it's valentine season and the tension is very high. Great deals every where for lovers and If you ain't in a relationship you will seem very off this season. 

Probably all your female friends you planned to have an all girls night out ditched you for a special date with their boyfriends. Not to worry, I've got your back.

Well I have a great news for you dear single lady. You ain't alone and think about it.........It's just a day of the month and you can choose to make it very special for yourself and have all the fun. 

Being single is such a wonderful stage of every woman's life. There are so many myths attached to being single and it has scared so many young girls that they dread being single. 

They will raise an arm and a leg to be in a relationship just so they wouldn't seem off and unwanted. Some would rather be in an agonizing relationship rather than be alone.

I love that single part of everyone's life including mine. Not that I want ladies to be single (am not a bad belle..hehehehe) but I'll rather you get fully prepared before you venture into a relationship, just so we cut down on the number of failed relationships and heart breaks. 

So I'm going to discuss reasons why you should enjoy your single status and make good use of it especially with love in the air and a huge urge to be in a relationship. 

Being single is not a death sentence, Its a time for proper preparation on the things that truly matter. This column is going to be interactive only that your opinion goes on in your head while you read and you may choose to agree with me or disagree at the comment section. So let's go on.

*Being single gives you all the time needed to be independent.
When I say independent I don't just mean financially. I mean mentally, emotionally, career wise, spiritually etc. For you to function well in any relationship, be it with your man, in your career or other wise, you must have learnt how to be independent and self sufficient. 

Your ability to handle certain responsibilities without blaming others for it. This independence also entails your ability to trust your judgments and ability to make decisions about your life without imputes from friends and colleagues. 

You are able to form and shape your personality without random people trying to adjust your life style just to suit themselves. Independence gives you confidence cause you will learn to do things your way and learn from your mistakes.

*Being single gives you time to focus on finding your purpose 
The single phase of your life is not the period to be consumed in search for the ONE or a time to dwell in misery of not being in a relationship which some people mistake for not being attractive enough to be wanted. 

It's a time to find your purpose and pursue your dreams. It's a time to get focused on how to fulfill your purpose and become a better and fulfilled person. (Speaking from a personal experience, I discovered most of my skills and purpose being single).

 The distractions from a relationship and the ''relationship wahala'' is enough to make a lady unfocused. So before the whole relationship starts, you have used your single phase to figure out your purpose and pursue them.

Knowing your purpose and setting your goals in life makes you strong and you don't just give yourself away to any man but one who is well deserving of you. You become a complete lady, knowing what she wants. 

NB: When a man sees you are focused on yourself and achieving your dreams, he feels safer being with you cause he does not fear about your pulling him down and he would want to add to the value you have placed on yourself. 

Something Extra........

*Being single make you spend less on gifts and unnecessary vacations and dates. So you can save all your money for investments.

*Being single gives you the opportunity to enjoy your own company and learn what makes you happy.

*Being single offers you the privilege of hanging out with all your male friends without questions from any partner and in their company you learn more about men and the way they see things.

*Being single gives you the unlimited pleasure of enjoying your space and lone time. Times when you make good use of your head and think up great ideas. 

*Being single helps you fall in love with your self. Many have not fallen in love with themselves and can not really recognize when someone loves them or not because they don't love themselves. Fall in love with yourself as a single and if there is any part of you you need to work on, you do that without pressure still loving yourself.

*Being single helps you prepare better for relationship/marriage cause no one prepares for battle in the battle field. Take your time, read good books on relationships/marriage, build yourself up, learn new skills including how to cook and keep a home. 

Learn to express yourself and be bold to take certain risks that are worth it. At the end, you will be grateful that you utilized your single period.

So during this love season, take time to show yourself love and appreciate everything about you. Don't forget to make others feel loved too.

And who knows you might just meet the ONE when u least expected.

Happy Valentine week.

#Kender Cares.


Adam said…
So inspiring and lovely. I love you kender
Anonymous said…
Hahahahha. So is Kender single or she just wants to pacify everyone
Anonymous said…
I wish every lady could think like this......
Anonymous said…
Britney said…
You are an inspiration to ladies. Thanks

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