How does 2018 look in your mind's eye?
As Earl Nightingale said, we become what we think about.
Before the whole goal planning for the new year, it's important that you think what you plan. You can't plan A and your thoughts say B, you'll definitely have B as your reality.

Now let's make 2018 great with the following steps.

Start by feeding your thoughts it's actual reality. You want a year full of impact, think it. Those words ''If you can think it, you can do it'', is actually true. Make it your reality by aiding your goals through positive thoughts.

Change those habits that ain't yielding positive results. Adopt a new positive habit one at a time. Make a conscious effort at changing those bad habits (You don't need to be told this). Always remember that good habits are difficult to form but easy to live with while bad habits are the opposite. For example, waking up early is difficult but it's actually the best way to start your day. 

 Apply discipline and consistency to your goals/vision. Break down your goals into tiny achievable goals. Make an effort to achieve those goals, that way you are one day ahead of achieving your goals daily. Discipline is quite hard but if you want to make it in life, you need all the discipline you can get.

Never go to bed without planning for the next day. Remember it's the things that get scheduled for that gets done. 

Don't let people fool you that things are rosy, the truth is that it's not. You have to work hard and smart to achieve all you want. Nobody's reality is yours, so face your lane and ''work out your salvation'' yourself.

Finally, never confuse movement for progress. Always validate yourself and make sure you are actually progressing. Even if you lie to others, don't lie to yourself. Sincerely do a monthly evaluation of your progress and implement plans for growth.

With these and many more you learn from this blog, you are ready to doggedly face 2018.


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