
Wow, 2017 did pass so fast. So many memories. I think I started off the year really bad (how many can relate to this?). I wrote off 2017 so fast and never expected anything good from the year but as they say "you can never tell when it happens"

If I have learnt one thing in 2017, it's to be positive and always stay hungry. After all. 2017 is ending so good and I couldn't be less thankful.
In as much as 2017 has taught me a lot, It also gave me a clearer picture as to what life as an independent adult looks like. Most of all I'm grateful I survived and I'll continue to do so.

Life does offer us lemons you know. Some times we are faced with so bitter an experience that the only option we see is to give up (I can't count how many times I wanted to pack my things and move back to my parent's place), but we push through and refuse to be termed average.

This is actually the first time I'm excited about a new year. Maybe because of the many lessons life has taught me and I really did learn or just maybe because I have grown thick skin to what ever challenges life brings. I just have grown to brace up to what ever challenges life brings and look for a way out.

The new year has been looking all shades of  good and I'm loving every bit of it. Making plans for the new year has been helpful and I decided to share some tips here on how to make the new year great.

I should think that we have all written down our goals for the new year and action points already noted down. Having that in mind, Its best to ''test the waters'' this year before setting out next year. 
What I mean  by this is: Let's say one of your goals for next year is to loose weight and the action points includes exercising, healthy diet and proper sleep. Testing the waters here would be to start taking those action points now. 

Start the exercising, healthy diet etc now so you will enter the next year with it and by the first three months into the new year, you are not struggling with it but it has become a life style already. This applies to what ever goal you have set to achieve next year.

The second tip involves the vision board

Towards the end of the year, precisely in September (Just after my birthday) I caught a vision about ''what the eyes sees, the mind thinks''. Basically this is letting the eyes constantly see what you want to achieve. In turn the eyes sends the message to the mind and its registered in your thoughts which makes those goals a major part of your thoughts daily.

Ironically I used to think this didn't work but apparently when I started with writing the words ''I am Reborn'' on my wall. I woke up every day to those words and my mind always remembered why I wrote those words down. I realized that as soon as I woke up and my eyes went to those words, my brain would quickly swing into action by thinking of ways that vision would be achieved. 

So for 2018 I wouldn't just stop at writing those words on a sticky note and putting it up on the wall. I will go an extra mile by creating a vision board which contains in clear terms pictures, goals and action points to achieving my goals. Waking up to it every day would prompt me to working tirelessly to achieving my goals

I'll definitely keep you guys informed on more wonderful tips. I'm all about ''Live the best version of yourself''


Unknown said…
bravo...can't wait to see the growth of your blog next year...wishing you all the best, rooting for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
@Raphael You are one loyal fan and i really fo appreciate you. 👊

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