Stop thinking and start doing!
You only allow fear, doubt and indecision to creep in when you continiously think about what ever you want to embark on.

I woke up this morning, and the first question I asked myself was "What's the  next chapter?

The question made my eyes flip open and I searched for answers on my vision book.
You are about facing the next chapter and you got to be ready, but one thing you have to understand is that nobody is ever fully prepared.  Each step unfolds gradually as you work on your plan. So you have to stop giving it so much thought and start already.

The so much thinking, strategising and re-strategising leaves you at one point.....your comfort zone. Ironically you think you have to be fully prepared but no, all you need is an idea and a detailed action plan.

Its may not actually go as you planned, but you learn all the way and get better everyday.
Dont forget, we become better at  what we do everyday. Choose wisely and become who you would be proud of ten years from now.

Your comfort zone will kill you!

Do have a beautiful day.


Unknown said…
in addition: There is nothing like FAILURE, only LESSONS, Don't be afraid to learn new things, life is a depth journey try to go as deep as you can while you can.
@Rafael Ariguzor, Exactly, failures are a stepping stone to success. I love this comment. Thanks Papi...

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