7 Effective Ways To Motivate Yourself To Workout.

Are you caught up in the struggle to keep up with the fit life ?
Are you on a weight loss journey and you are constantly procrastinating your work out or you just feel too lazy to go to the gym ? 
Here are seven (7) amazing tips that has been of help in motivating me to work out and I know it will certainly be of help to you.

Make sure you have a clear picture on what your fitness goal is. 

For me, my goal is to have a healthy and well toned body (that I can put on display any time I want). You can put up a picture of what your fit model looks like just on your board and looking at it every morning inspires you to keep pushing until you get those results.

Always prep your workout/gym wears at night just before you go to bed. 

Setting out your gym wear makes dressing up very easy in the morning and it serves as a reminder that you need to work out once you wake up. If you are like me who loves to work out in the evening, then you can put all your wears in a gym bag and take along with you to work. This way you don't have the excuse of going home to get ready and probably sleeping off on the sofa.

One quick pointer on selecting your gym wear: Make sure its comfortable, sexy and just enough fit not to pull while you are working out.

Get a progress journal.

To help motivate yourself, get a journal and pen down every progress. Take a weight measurement weekly and write it down, take pictures as much as you want each time you finish a routine. You can also write down your routine before you work out and tick against each one you have completed. This makes you recount your journey years later and also helps you appreciate how far you have gone.

Get a exercise app that reminds you to work out.

There are applications that reminds you to workout and even has some routines already scheduled for you,or you can set alarms on your phone at different times that pops up to tell you when to work out and also reminds you of your goal.

Engage in Workout routines you enjoy. 

I love outdoor workouts like jogging, skipping and dance aerobics. I love the air that hits my body just when I break a sweat. I find it so revitalizing and that motivates me to go for a run or just get a mat and workout outside. So your routine should incorporate a variety of exercises you love to do.

Get an accountability partner.

When considering a partner, you should choose someone who shares the same fitness goal with you and would push you to work out on days when you don't  feel like. Someone who you will go to the gym with, jog with you or even a coach who would make sure you achieve your goals.

Paste word of affirmation and encouragement around you

One thing is certain, some times the mind maybe willing to workout but the body is just too lazy to lift a dumb bell. Words of encouragement written and pasted around you will keep you focused and motivated. It can be short notes written on you computer, pasted on your fridge or on your bedside. 

Bonus Tip

Work out with Music you love to listen to

Working out with music helps keep your pace. It also synchronizes with your moves thereby aiding self-paced exercises. Its just a good boost that keeps you charged and happy while you are at it. 

Finally, one of my most valuable pre workout routine is taking a cup of black coffee (no sweetener, no cream)  10-15 minutes before workout. Caffeine  in coffee has been found to boost metabolism and strengthen the muscles which avoids soreness or pain after workout.
(I'll discuss more on this in a subsequent post)

Don't forget, health is wealth and a sexy body is actually one with no cloths and still looks so toned.

Photo credit: Images on Google


Anonymous said…
Ooh kender I love this write up and the way you illustrated with pictures. This I'm going to try and share my feedback.
Damien said…
Same here Kender, I love the way the ways are outlined and it seem really practicable and like a good Plan. I would have loved to join your class/session to try it, notwithstanding, I will make an effort and try it myself and feed you back.

Thanks for the write up and for educating and motivating me about working out.

Peter Pan said…
Wonderful post I loved the Music tip very It motivates me as well ignites fire in me during workout also my Collection of Gym Tshirts provide me sleek fit
A workout is the most important thing in our life if this does not happen good, we can't feel best. UPSC Coaching in Delhi

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