Just how I want it.........Journey to Freedom

Disclaimer: If you clicked to read this post and your first guess was an inspirational piece or a good story.......
Well I'm deeply sorry to disappoint you, its just one of the random thoughts my mind forces me to spew on my blog.
Now lets get into it. Its going to be fun

My friends has always known me as the one who has her life put together. The one who has it all figured out yet so nonchalant about it. Well my family has a different opinion. They know me as the talker who backs up her many talks with some little action. They just think of me as the lively one who has a bubly life regardless. As much as i'll like to think of that POV as true, well its not. Lets for a moment consider what my friends think of me.

I don't have my life all figured out. Infact the good news as I may like to paradoxically say is that I have no clue where my life is headed. I used to think I knew exactly what I wanted out of life, but as it turns out,  all the things I have done in the past few years since adulthood just kidnapped my fun loving life, no longer gives me happiness.  I'm at that point where nothing seems to excite me.

I careless about my 9-5 (apologies  to my Boss if he sees this, its a moment of truth and I tell it all here). I don't always have the inspiration to write, and even when I write, I don't feel like posting it.  It seems all the figuring out i've done in the past was actually not real. More like, i've been living a life I forced on myself.

As sad as this sounds, I'm back to square one in trying to find my path. I'm on a journey aimed at finding my purpose, that "perfect" career and that LIFE I'll be so excited to wake up to every morning.

Wait a second, does anyone relate to my present condition.  If you do, please gather around for a glass of wine and popcorn

So here I'm I, staggering to take that bold step into finding my path. In doing this, I wrote out  thirty (30) things I love to do. Looking through that list, traveling, talking/gisting and taking cool pictures were top on the list.
(Now don't ask me about writing cause that's my only means of expression).

So looking closely at My dear account, the number one thing to do on my list is not so likely. Therefore, this is me saying bodly that if you need someone to travel with and take cool pictures with, here am I.....take me with you.

Its dinner time, and I have to figure what to eat. I'll let you in on everything about my new quest.
For those of you reading and probably smiling and not taking me serious, wipe that smile off your face cause i'm super serious.
I'll probably have eggs for dinner.
Later Hun......


Anonymous said…
Thought I was the only who feels lost sometimes. Guess its part of growth. Probably helps in more discovery onf one's self

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