ZAPPED (The Love Series)

Did I shock you when I didn't call back after you left me?
Did I break that cord of stupidity you always string when you come back with lame messages just to get my attention?
When I love, I love really hard and go all out. 
With you, I loved unconditionally. I wanted things to work out even though my instincts advised otherwise. I let down my guards, not because I was foolish but because I called you my own. 

It was a yes in my heart even with our unconventional relationship pattern. I looked forward to a continued and happy ending. My heart told me I was mistaken, but matters of the heart are quite conflicting at times I told myself. I struck the conviction that we were meant to be and I worked hard to see that happen and it eluded me that I worked alone. I didn't see the ''USED'' boldly spelt all over your actions.

Toyed with my feelings, I gave a reason why you did that.
Ignored me and allowed me do all the loving, I felt you needed to be taught.

The rhythms of my heart were made jest of but then again, I failed to listen.
That night's memory will forever be  etched on the walls of my heart and I do hope the betrayal and hurt I felt would be replaced with an amazing love. 

LOVE is perfect
However we humans are flawed and selfish interests creeps in to make us hurt people who truly loved us and wanted the very best for us. Experiences inflicts deeps wounds on so many that we intend healing by meting out on others what we have received.

Relief to this torture comes from totally forgiving and letting go. 
Some say falling in love is for the weak, but I say falling in Love is  a triumph.


What we fail to understand is that being in love is beautiful. No second thoughts, just an overwhelming peace. When you feel otherwise with a person, then its not meant to be. 
Even when you quarrel with that ''One'', you still feel this love in your heart not to go overboard and it's peace and reconciliation that comes next to your mind. 

I always tell people never to settle for less when it comes to love. If he/she ain't the one, don't force it. 
Learn to love yourself entirely first then you can be a complete whole suitable for another complete whole. Until then, enjoy falling in love with yourself over and over again.

I won't deny I'm a sucker for Love, however it must be gotten right.

More of this coming your way....


Anonymous said…
I actually don't understand this post
Seems it was born out of pain

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