Cold nights endured for far too long.
Eyes shining into the blackness of the rainy cold nights. Flashes of our friendship that blossomed every split second came in vivid pictures to my mind. My only friend who told me I can strutted out the door in elegance. Hair flipping side to side in response to the unwavering wind and dancing to the beats her hips and long straight legs made in unison

Friendship made out of nothing
''Nothing'' which stood for our bared minds, minds that bore the thoughts that ran deep and made unsteady lines of doubts, relief, fear, uncertainties and momentary glimpse of happiness. 

We met when we both were lonely and unwilling to settle, rather we looked forward to enduring through the wait with a shinning hope of finding that love strongly chiselled on a rock that bore its sharp edge deep in the earth. 

She looked at me and I looked through her. I saw the love in disguise, I saw the pain and a life that had survived many battles and silently praying for rest. I allowed my throbbing heart speak gently to her. The ''Her'' no one was privileged to see but my eyes were graced to have seen it because love drops cleansed my mind's cornea leaving me the sacred image of her heart to behold. 

The volume of words and a life time of actions deeply immersed in love were just too heavy for my head to comprehend. Therefore my head gave way for my heart to speak as logic wasn't needed. 

Let go and let's get lost in each other's world!

Gently we progressed in love, shedding off the excesses society fed us with. Baggages from Exs' were replaced with quality expressions of the depth of our love. Our souls bonded on levels only celestial beings could understand. 

Sometimes I saw the lies in her truth, her need to protect her frail heart. The little fights to let go off those fences pierced  through me. I stretched those lovely biceps built into shape from toils at the gym and caught her in my bosom.  

''I'll never fail you'', I whispered.
Whatever scar they left on you, I''ll see to it that it's corrected. You will shine and I'll water you daily as you grow. I'll be your strength and its my duty to give you what your heart needs. I'll love you endlessly in so many ways. 

Tears ran down her cheeks unto my chest. I felt those walls break and I vowed to keep my words. 
I stared as she walked out to conquer the world and come home to her king. 
Let's worship our bodies when you get back baby I screamed. 
I do know the image would keep her lips parted in smiles all day. 

I'll wait at the door with a bowl filled with strawberry dipped in liquid chocolate. I'll feed off her and allow her moan until her body quivers in response to ecstasy and she'll yearn to have me inside her. I''ll kiss her into oblivion, sending her to paradise while she holds unto me thrust after thrust. 
Her waist would respond to the rhythm as she  mutters words only US can understand. 


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