My Perfect Valentine Date

I'm actually not a valentine person.
So you are wondering why I'm writing on a perfect valentine date?
Well, out of request and popular demand I decided to share my thoughts on how you could enjoy a Valentine's date night considering it's a work day.

You'll probably come back from work tired exhausted and half sleepy. So if that's the case, go to bed and snore your lungs out...


Let's start again.

Perfect valentine should it be?

Keep it simple. A dinner at home with your partner or just yourself is perfect. Movie night at home is also perfect. The most important thing is the love that should genuinely go around all day and all year long. Valentine depicts love and sometimes its saddening how it takes just one day of the year to appreciate love or show love. The love buzz makes you think that love would probably start and end that day.

Finally (like I've been listing *Pheewww) enjoy that day and make the most of it.

Happy Valentine's day.

PS: Let me not catch anyone wearing red and white tomorrow. Instead wear black


Umar said…
You didn't write this one with your mind. Its obvious you truly ain't a valentine person.

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