I thought to share my workout routine with you'll this morning. However, I'll like to note a few pointers. I usually love to workout in the morning but for days I find it difficult to drag myself off the bed, I end up working out in the evening after work. There is really no rule that states you must workout in the morning. Either morning or evening, the most important thing is consistency. 

I decided morning workouts over evening because of certain benefits I observed with working out in the morning. I noticed I performed better both mentally and physically. My body's metabolic rate increased and I felt energetic all through the day. I read more about morning workouts and its benefits and I could relate how I felt to what I read. 

Now, for those of us who ain't morning persons, It's really going to be a big challenge having to adjust to workout in the morning. You just have to try it out once and see how your body reacts to it. 
Let's get into the workout shall we?

Time slot: 6:00am - 7:00am
Full body workout

Warm up

  • Jog at a spot          4 minutes
  • High knee tap into Burpee                                 10 reps by 3 sets
  • Akimbo jump jack                                             20 reps by 5 sets
  • Plank arm up and down into plank Jack            10 reps by 3 sets
  • Slow mountain climber                                     10 reps by 5 sets
  • Leg swipes                                                         10 reps by 5 sets
  • Plank hip dip in                                                  10 reps by 5 sets
  • Quick feet                                                         20 reps by 5 sets
  • Squat side kicks                                                10 reps by 5 sets
  • High Jumps                                                       10 reps by 5 sets
  • Butt lifts                                                               50 reps
  • Leg drops                                                             50 reps
  • Sit up in circles                                                    50 reps
  • Alt half body crunch                                            50 reps
  • Cross arm crunch                                                 50 reps
Full body stretch. (Don't skip stretching)

If you did all these workouts, you would probably be all sweaty by now and panting. I'm working on making workout videos to ease participation as some may not know what each workout style entails. This would probably be on or before mid year, that way we can engage more and get results faster. Partnership in workouts is key for beginners.
Lovely day to all my amazing readers. 


Anonymous said…
Shall I confess.......I did just one on each and I got really tired. Does that mean I'm not fit?. Well don't answer that. I know the answer. Pls make the videos ready. I need to see you workout too. Maybe that's the boost I need
At least you tried . It's one step at a time.

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