

Washed away constantly by seasonal distractions orchestrated solely to heal. Daily solace sought in the welcoming arms of brown liquor while pacing endlessly in an empty space A tear stained pillow when the effect of alcohol wanes and it becomes triple glaring on how aching the events had turned out Conversations with acquaintances become a necessary escape space. But for how long would this acid corrode the walls of her heart leaving her cold and empty. A warm soul that fiercely faced the journey that so many cowardly refused to embark on. What was her crime? Pain was her reward for being brave. And anguish was her long-suffering punishment. Pain…….the bitter silent liquid ravaging the interiors of the soul and leaving its footprint of damage. The emotion we dread, while almost never thinking twice to dish it out. Emilia, sweet and gentle. Loving and so introverted you would never see the storm she battled with daily. At a young age she was told that Lov


Sprawled in disdain and needing him more than I ever thought I would. Anxious of my next move, feeling disoriented on how my heart felt both love and pain at the same damn time. Love because his soul reached out to mine in inexpressible ways that may seem mundane to some who hear of it and well, pain because he left me without saying a word. Leaving me wanting him every tick of the second hand of the clock. How can something that has been so insanely amazing turn into a night mare in split seconds. How can something I've longed for so long slip by, leaving me in heartbeats that conformed to my non-rhythmic thoughts. Lets take it back to that rainy cold evening. 6:47pm, the day was barely dark enough for one to go to bed and its been raining all day. Chances of going home to my lonely couch and binging on ''Games people play'' was very slim. I strutted to the bar close to the office feeling very cold. Not physically cold, but emotionally cold. Cold depicts

The Kender

Sometimes we take so many things for granted. Gratitude crawls out the window and we seat sipping on a big cup of entitlement and forgetting that those little things in life matters dearly. We look forward to more and even much more that the realities of the Now and not so big accomplishments made in the past fail to count. I woke up today feeling very emotional. Hard stare at the mirror and tears rolled down my eyes. I remembered the days when I woke up to Mum’s lovely voice or Dad’s sleepy voice calling me for morning devotion. I would grudgingly seat up and I wished for a little more sleep. I woke up today to neither Mum or Dad’s voice. I woke up after hitting the snooze button 12 times. I had more than a little more sleep but I missed those mornings when I was woke up to their voice. Oh! how I missed those evenings when we all sat at the balcony and talked endlessly until we all fell asleep leaving only my Mum to keep talking (She is a talker). I valued thos

Lets's Talk Marriage shall we?

Observations has been made. That wouldn't be the basis of conclusions drawn, however we have searched for answers and in addition to that a better understanding that would strengthen longevity and happiness.  Marriage is one institution that we weren't really given a blueprint that we would apply once we get into it. The ones who have tried it has not been entirely honest with us as to what is obtainable. The older ones on the other hand has been honest, but their precepts are not one we would comfortably adopt. Times are changing and what's obtainable is also changing alongside highly intelligent humans who seek emancipation in an institution that was ordained for two people who ''should'' have agreed before hand to be made ONE without questions or conditions.  Marriage has been of importance to me and I seize every opportunity to discuss with married folks. Talking about marriage for me has just one goal: How would this institution gloriously


It was 2:45pm at work on that Thursday afternoon and I was already hungry. The yawning had increased and I was lucky to be the only one in my office. The usual companion of hunger came heavily upon me. At this point I was nodding and yawning at the same time. Very terrible combination for a babe like me. In other to save myself from any further embarrassment, I decided to play on the gram so I could send the sleep away. I lazily scrolled through my feed until I saw his picture.  I had scrolled pass, then my brain picked. I went back to take a critical look, to analyse the hot stuff I saw. Tall, nice smile and his native fitted perfectly. I could imagine his butt frame clinging perfectly to the fabric and exposing a well-rounded derrière. The next thing I know, I'm already on this guy’s page and clicking the like icon on all his pictures. The sleep had already gone and when I realized what I've done, I couldn't unlike. Feeling very insane and foolishly thirs


What is this I hear? Mortals have chosen the easy way out instead of pulling through in strength. Who told them pain was erased for some and given to some as a companion?  Why have you allowed the beauty that is feigned by the world deceive you into making decisions that are brutal. I wish I could interview the ones who took their lives. What ‘’beautiful’’ reason would they give. I was hurt, life is hard, he broke my heart, I was scared, I tried everything and nothing worked.... They are all beautiful stupid reason because everyone faces those same issues. Why choose the easy way out coward? Death instead of battling the problem, is that the solution you seek?  Don’t you know strength exists within your cores and every muscle in you is fighting to live out to its full potential. What lessons has life thought you? What experiences have you gathered? Who told you hope was far-fetched? You were birthed in pains and tears of joy. Your mother pushed hard, almost a


I love writing about Love. I'm a hopeless romantic.Much more importantly, my thoughts go so deep when I think about Love. It's my safe place when writing. I also love pain. I love to create a narration vividly described in exact details. Details that almost awaken emotions from a reader who is stoic. I'm intense, reasons why my mind is constantly engaged in conversations. I question the behaviours of men and ask what humans really need to be genuinely happy in life.  Series of events that take place during the day are completed in my dream, It seems like there is a never ending task to keep digging until solutions are found. Nothing is left unattended to. Conversations replay in my head for clarity and even after over a year of haven had a conversation, it regurgitates, just like a ruminant and I get answers I needed. Let's go back to second word I started with....LOVE. It's so interesting to talk about. How does the word make you feel? Think about it fo