What is this I hear?

Mortals have chosen the easy way out instead of pulling through in strength. Who told them pain was erased for some and given to some as a companion? 
Why have you allowed the beauty that is feigned by the world deceive you into making decisions that are brutal. I wish I could interview the ones who took their lives. What ‘’beautiful’’ reason would they give.
I was hurt, life is hard, he broke my heart, I was scared, I tried everything and nothing worked....

They are all beautiful stupid reason because everyone faces those same issues. Why choose the easy way out coward? Death instead of battling the problem, is that the solution you seek?  Don’t you know strength exists within your cores and every muscle in you is fighting to live out to its full potential.

What lessons has life thought you?
What experiences have you gathered?
Who told you hope was far-fetched?
You were birthed in pains and tears of joy. Your mother pushed hard, almost at the brink of death, saw a bundle of preciousness and lived. Welcomed into the world with drums of music and orchestra playing to tunes that your parents hummed in joy and looked forward to your blossoming.

You learnt how to sit, then crawl and gradually you took your first steps and it was celebrated.
Growth came upon you and you soon forgot the stages you went through as a child. You trashed the lessons that life itself taught you…stages.

Life is in stages for everyone.  There is a time for everything and you were pre trained to experience all and WIN.
The problem with this generation is that we just want to skip the stages and get to the finish point. Did I miss out on the memo that there is ‘’Finish Point’’?
The wave of owning a business, being an entrepreneur, getting married, having kids, being in a relationship etc makes us think that that's the standard to a successful life. You know what a successful life is? 

Its what YOU term it to become for YOU.

This makes NOBODY your standard.

Have you forgotten there are stages to these things and no one has the same exact experience with another? If you know this, then why the comparisons and setting another as your standard.

I'm close to tears as I see the way Young ones beat themselves up for just nothing.
Where are you rushing to?
Grow at your pace please.
Allow your roots grow deep into the cores of your being and then you’ll blossom in the strength of knowing and believing in yourself.

NO ONE IS PERFECT. They only show you the seemingly perfect sides or days. {I do that too}

We are all thrown with life issues including the motivational speakers who charges you up and gives you that boost that you can do anything. Be careful. Take time to first appreciate yourself just the way you are. Our journeys differ and I'm sure you have heard that a zillion time.  Has it actually sunk in?

The feeling of inadequacy you get after a motivational speaker has charged you up and you fail at what was said was possible to be done, has to stop. You are not inadequate, however you need to find out this yourself. That way you will believe it more.

Growth is a process; life is in stages. Let that sink the next time that the comparison factor sets in.
 If at this point you are still repeatedly chanting your greatness to yourself in front of a mirror, that means you don’t believe yourself. The first task is to get you to believe in yourself and have total faith that you can accomplish and you alone can do it. Start by appreciating and magnifying the little things you can do.
I too was faced with the problem of not trusting what I could do. Accept the problem and seek ways to solve it.

This cowardice has to STOP. Speak out and get help if suicidal thoughts keeps creeping in. The world gives us a façade that everything is perfect but that’s not TRUE. We are all fighting one battle or the other. The difference is that some have proclaimed themselves winners, hence they live above the waters. Some give up even without fighting. Please don’t give. Fight to win because you can. 

Now let's have a REAL TALK.
What challenges are you facing? Let's have a deep and real conversation about it on the comment section. I'll start off with mine. Then y'll follow. It doesn't matter if you comment as ''anonymous'', lets just get some stuffs off our chests and feel free to conquer our challenges while giving advices to others. I love you'll



My life has been one hella of a struggle toanother. First was trying to loose weight. I battled that and now I've got what I wanted.
Then the relationship problem. After a heart break I'm think I've moved on and boom, I decide to move on and go on a date and then i go back to exactly where i thought i had left.
This shit is so damn difficult however I'm pushing it. Now working is tough. It's like going to work every day is walking through the gates of hell. Dealing with overcoming work and trying so hard to save off of a salary that is barely enough to carry me through the month. Its tiring. So tiring
Anonymous said…
Being an adult is so difficult. From one problem to another. Everyone expects you to have achieved at a certain age and it's not exactly like that.
Why cant our elders understand that the times have changed and the pressure is just too much on us. They all think if you ain't talking about marriage, that you are not serious in life. I just want to be happy with my girl. I love her so much however marriage will come when i' more stable.
I dont want her to suffer.
Dear anonymous. These things are issues. Our family has no idea what we deal with and even when we speak up, its played down on and none of them understands.
Bearing this in mind, we have to drown their voices and do what makes us happy the most.
If you ain't ready for marriage, please dont get married based on Pressure. Take things one at a time and dont get pressured at all. Thanks for commenting
Barnett said…
Dear christobel. I have been down that road before. You seem like someone who loves really hard and even when your heart's been broken, you still can't get over a person. I' also like that. I know its strange given you an advice but hey, it's a conversational and a comment section so I can.
You dont have to fight hard to hate your ex. Just allow yourself feel whatever emotion that comes. That's real love right there. When you cant get yourself to hate who you love. Just take it gradually, the right person will come alone and love you the right way. That doesn't mean you wont love your ex, it just means your love is greater than the hate.
I love your sincerity.
Anonymous said…
Just an innocent suggestion, why dont we create a WhatsApp group where we chat and discuss allthese. I for one isnt comfortable discussing on a public blog. It's just a suggestion. I really do appreciate the sincere conversations and I 2ill like a group where nobody forms but bares it all. We need such breath of fresh air in a world were everyone coats what they go through.
@Barnet well said however I don't think i spilled so much for you to have gathered this. I ain't fighting to hate no one. Once loved will always be loved and I do really appreciate your advice. Big E-hugs to you Hun.
Anonymous said…
Life issues are really so deep.
I agree with the WhatsApp group where we can talk freely and privately.
Sharing really does help alleviate some issues
Anonymous said…
You write so well and I must say I'm impressed at your delivery. I kinda knew you would address this issue however the way you went about it was phenomenal. You are quite different.
Anonymous said…
By passing the topic at hand, i just want to suggest you get fully into honing your writing skills. The world need writers like you. Your article tittle ''Clueless'' is so deep and amazing.Probably you should get a good manager.
Anonymous said…
life is a whole lot of BS and we all pass through it differently. some get to experience theirs early while others later. mine is a whole bunch of BS that it saps the energy outta me to spill
This life issues of thing is very upsetting sometimes me sometimes everything around just sucks I feel like am stuck got noway out but then I said to myself you don't know how close you are I keep pushing Christobel Ugwuokpe thanks for this love you keep up

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