I love writing about Love. I'm a hopeless romantic.Much more importantly, my thoughts go so deep when I think about Love. It's my safe place when writing. I also love pain. I love to create a narration vividly described in exact details. Details that almost awaken emotions from a reader who is stoic. I'm intense, reasons why my mind is constantly engaged in conversations. I question the behaviours of men and ask what humans really need to be genuinely happy in life. 

Series of events that take place during the day are completed in my dream, It seems like there is a never ending task to keep digging until solutions are found. Nothing is left unattended to. Conversations replay in my head for clarity and even after over a year of haven had a conversation, it regurgitates, just like a ruminant and I get answers I needed.
Let's go back to second word I started with....LOVE.

It's so interesting to talk about. How does the word make you feel?
Think about it for a minute.
Consciously, drown the voices outside and let the word LOVE echo in your mind. 
Is there a mental picture associated with the word?
Are you at peace hearing the echo in your mind?
What lengths would you go to be consumed by it's volcanic effects?


An emotion I've learnt is associated with Love. They both erupt the same passion and almost concurrently drive us to yield points.   Girl meets boy and one of either boy or girl falls in love. If the feeling isn't mutual, pain comes next. Now the connection is becoming clear. Almost everyone on the surface of the earth is either in love or in pains. No one is left without any of these emotions. We most times bottle up these emotions and we walk as though EVERYTHING is fine

Mask your emotions, guard your heart, protect your sanity. In all these allow yourself truly experience any emotion that comes. The passion is consuming and it's worth it. 

Now since the connection has been established, Lets Talk more on Love.
Tell me what it means to you in its thoroughness. 


Steve C said…
I love deep conversations.
Love means commitment to me. Love is passion, sacrifice and conscious effort t be with someone who doesn't deserve being with you but has compromised to ride along this life with you for a more deeper reason. I LOVE LOVE if that even makes sense. Thank you for introducing this section. Can we make it a platform where we talk about love related issues in its ''Thoroughness'' as you described it?
Anonymous said…
Love is just amazing in one word. its so deep that words can not really explain the feeling and the action it spurs in us.
Anonymous said…
Love sucks for me. Love isn't what i'M INTERESTED IN AS IT HAS HURT ME SO MANY TIMES.
Cordelia said…
I actually tried the exercise. The thought of Love is exciting. Having that one person who would do just anything for you and who I would go to the ends of the earth for. That excitement gives me hope to keep striving hard in life. I don't associate love to pain rather pleasure.
CBD said…
HMMMMMMMM! Do we still even have true love these days. Everyone associated love to money and what they can get off of their partner and not even selfless anymore. I still yearn for true love but its hard sha
Anonymous said…
As for me, I see love as a something you deserve when you have money.
Williams said…
Love means emotions, kindness, affection and unconditional care to someone that may or may not deserve it. We live in a world where we have a notion that love is based on material things and riches. However I believe that we can still find that kind of love that is unconditional. I love my girlfriend so much and I'm sure she loves me so much even with my weak points and crazy sides. Now that's love and everyone should get that fulfillment.
Anonymous said…
@Steve I will love that kind of platform. Probably we will talk and learn and get exposed to the real meaning of love and love our partners the way they want and deserve.
I'm loving the conversations going on here and the sincerity. I didn't think it was going to be this interesting. Lets keep the conversations coming. We will have a part 2
Anonymous said…
Love is sacrifice

Thats all

And you can't love someone else except you love yourself
Anonymous said…
Love is a wholesome experience. I don't agree with the association of Love to pain. However I understand that when you have given love and didn't get it in return it hurts. I think that's how the pain comes in though. Ok now i guess I understand......Lol
Becky said…
I must say, I'm impressed with the comments. Love is a weird dramatic and a totally awesome experience. You meet a man who you never imagined falling in love with, You grow head over hills in love with him. For some reasons, he doesnnt meet up with your specs but you have gotten crazy about him as though he is your oxygen. Now thats what I term love. Love is being deeply in love with a person without having a course or reason to do so and you are extremely happy being in love with the person
Anonymous said…
LOVE is great. Being in love is beautiful. Having sex with the one you love is mindblowing.
@Steve we will look into creating that platform. I too love deep conversations. I admire your opinion on love
@Cordelia It would be nice to associate Love with pleasure however, it hasn't worked like that for me. Its been pain. I love that you have paired love and pleasure. It means Love has been an amazing journey for you.
Anonymous said…
Love is friendship and above all sacrifice.
Denicia said…
Love is the entirety of my existence. The several heart breaks gave rise to a relationship that has wiped away all the pains I ever felt. Now i look back and I'm happy they all left and I found the ONE when I was in ashes. H e dusted and made me happy, gave me hope and helped me build my self confidence. I love you so much Mr. T You may never see this but I adore you every step of the way and you know that.
Anonymous said…
Love is magical and a fairy tale of happily ever after that doesn't exist in this damn world. so let's not get it twisted. Manage with who you see. you can't have it all
Love is an infection that has it root deep down the brain ready to drain you love is an intense fleeing of deep affection love is an infection that has no cure it comes with many synthom it be fever headache love is what one feels love is giving your all love is receiving love is tolerance

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