10 Habits To Imbibe In Your 20s.....

Habits are very difficult to drop. If you however picked the right ones, you are sure to have an incredibly great life. I always imagined looking very beautiful, successful, fit and super gorgeous at 70. That mental picture made me adopt some habits that I knew would be a strong foundation for my goal. That being said, let's get right into it. 

In your 20s, you are full of life (just like I am), and it's so easy to go with the flow and some times the ''Flow'' is detrimental to us. So slow down and look at the bigger picture. Do you want to enjoy the prime of your life and even age graciously? Then keep reading.

  1. Get very comfortable being you.
It's very easy to lose your identity in your 20s. There are so many things everyone and everything want to complain about. There are so many norms and cultural misappropriation of things that this social media age has brought upon us. Most importantly you need to drown the world's voice and discover who you are. Then be comfortable with you. This is the first step towards self confidence and a very good habit to pick up at an early age. So many things will fall in place when you have faith in you and everything that pertains to you.

2. Exercise regularly
I'm sure you already know I would say this. So smile and read on. There are so many Non communicable diseases you ward off when you exercise regularly. Take care of your body cause you have just one of it. Now its not the weight loss buzz, its actually the healthy living buzz. Want a longer, healthy, strong life, make exercising an important part of your life now so it becomes a habit later. 

3. Have a routine/plan
No one stumbles unto success or just achieves a goal without proper plan and execution. Learn to have a routine as it in stills discipline which in-turn helps you achieve your goals. Have a wake up time, schedule your workout, plan out your day, schedule a doctor's appointment etc. 

4. Eat Clean
This is very important. Please don't wait till your are in your 40s to start the healthy eating pattern. Slow down on the junk. the fad diet, the whole weight loss pill. On the long run, you will appreciate having started off at an early age eating clean and healthy. Eat a fruit and vegetable daily, love your fresh foods. Cut down on eating out and make your foods from scratch fresh. That way you control what goes into your body. Your body will thank you later.

5. Save and Invest
I know every fashion trend is so alluring that you actually keep buying and buying unending. STOP! Make a habit of buying only what you NEED and not things you WANT or DESIRE. The time will come when you actually will splurge on anything you desire. Now is time to save and invest so your later years can be bliss.

6. Read/learn something new daily.
You become rich in knowledge when you develop a habit of reading something new daily. It could be just anything. It will come in handy one day. Learn more about your career, about life, the weather, the world.....just anything that adds to your knowledge. Knowledge is power as you already know. 

7. Drink lots of water.
I'm definitely not completing it with ''mind your business'' (which by the way if you try will do you  whole lot of good). However this is serious business. Learn to drink water not soda or beer. So many of us probably drink more soda and alcohol than actually drinking water. Clean your system and give your skin that natural glow from having a clean inside. I actually made an intentional water drinking habit that I set reminders on my phone so I don't forget. Its important that I be healthy cause I don't want no silly disease. (I'm sure you don't either), so let's make drinking clean water a habit.

8. Travel as often as you can
The world is so beautiful that it needs to be explored. Travelling is part of education and exposure and you will have fun doing that. Don't hold back on having such life time experiences. 

9. Learn time management.
There's so much to be done and learning how to manage your time in your 20s is an amazing gift. When life becomes super busy and you ain't only responsible for yourself, you will find a perfect balance through time management. Allot time to the tasks or activities in your day and try to stick to it. It's actually not easy when scrolling on our phones or watching TV takes the whole time. However, you have to learn the art of time management. 

10. Take care of your skin.
I know I've talked about exercising, eating clean and drinking lots of water which all contributes to a great skin. I added this because of the misinformation amongst the young ones. Stick to your natural skin colour please. It's disheartening seeing people damage their skin with toxic bleaching products. Being fair isn't being beautiful. Beauty is YOU just the way you are. Pamper your skin and not damage it.

Extra: Learn to enjoy the moment and live intentionally. Don't be caught up in the craze of trying to show a bunch of people online your life which if you consider closely, it seems as though you are living for them and not enjoying the moment with people present. Have fun and not upload fun. 



Damien said…
Hi Kender, good stuff and I quite agree with you. Am over my 20's I have some of these traits and can confirm that they've actually helped me. However, I will be happy to replace some of my habits with some here I never took up....how do I proceed from here considering life pressure on me now as a family man?
@Damien I see you and you relentless efforts in reading and commenting. Thanks so much. As per the how to proceed, you can start off now with imbibing the healthy habits. You need to be healthy and strong for your family so way to go boy. #OneLove
Anonymous said…
I really need to work on my relationship with people
Thanks for this post

Really enjoyed this

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