
Showing posts from January, 2016


Every one wants a happy relationship but some like my friend would say are ''emotionally lazy'' to go about it. I see relationship as a big bank where deposits and investments are supposed to be made so as to have a happy and impressive relationship.  Think about how happy you are when you deposit some cool cash into your account. The though of a huge balance literally puts a smile on your face. That's the same way I see relationships. Big major deposits keeps both parties happy.  Relationship some say is full time work. That being true considering all the thinking, strategy, ideas, scheming and so on that a relationship involves. The work is a two way thing and without major deposits like care, affections, gifts, quality time, trust etc, the relationship would definitely go bankrupt and nothing left to salvage it. Further more, we should understand that what means a major deposit to a man may mean nothing to a woman. This is because men and women cl

THINKING ALOUD................

I ain't talking to no one, just thinking aloud and wondering where good friendship and quality time being spent together with friends has gone to without the interruption of phones. Chats are preferred to real discussions with present friends. We feel at ease chatting away time with unseen persons and ignoring the value of true friendship and quality time. I seem to be lamenting or some will call it childish gibberish. Now I'll explain as much as I can so we can be on the same page and perhaps this madness of trying to show the world every bit of the things happening in your life just to be termed "living the life" would stop. While growing up, we valued our friends coming over to our place and discussing with us. Sometimes our parents joined the conversation and we got to learn and know more. We could even identify when our friends lied cause the eye contact was there and the facial expressions too. Before the invention of Instagram, friends and family wo


Sitting comfortably on the balcony after a stressful work day. A friend of mine calls to complain of his sweet relationship that had gone sour. (You'll know am a counselor in my own little way) I calmed him down to know what exactly was the problem but to no avail. He kept screaming.."I didn't know she was like this".  "Calm down and tell me what she did or what you did so I could understand you" I said in a bid to make  sense out of what he was saying. (The truth is that I love to hear gist and his complaints instead of telling me the actual story was irritating) He finally calmed down and told me the whole story.  He met this girl some years ago and they started dating just a few months ago, precisely six months ago. They seemed so perfect to me and I always admired their connection. They were more like friends turned lovers. He always said from the unset that the whole relationship was marriage bound since he was ready to settle down.  H


How high do you want to rise? Do you want to continually increase? Do you want to see more of a win/win in your life, career, academics, business, relationship etc. If so you need certain attributes which you may already have or needs some fine tuning.  DISCIPLINE: Rising higher requires tons of discipline. To take charge of your life requires discipline. It requires the fortitude and mental stamina to resist temptations from meaningless lures that are a shadow of the real thing. To be disciplined entails an undistracted focus on what matters most and a relentless strive to attain your set goals. INTEGRITY:  Above rising high, integrity is sure for greatness. It's a vital make up of great men/women who match their words with their deeds. People who do things for the right reasons and can be held for what they say any day any time. Reputable men/women who are an example and rise above others for their ability to be trusted. Integrity is a sure key for rising hi


I'm telling my story. No one knows it all until we pass through certain ordeals. I was one of those girls who believed that love just had to be what is seen and nothing else. I just turned 25 and I was in a relationship with two guys.  The first was much older than myself and He loved me so much and he took very good care of me. I didn't need to complain before he knew I wanted something. He was always on time and I loved that about him. He loved flaunting me as well. I was very beautiful and I had a ''banging''  body. I too loved my body cause I knew too well that I had all it takes to keep my man.  My second boyfriend was just a young man who was struggling to make ends meet or so I thought. I did not regard him that much cause I felt he was not good enough for me. Basically because he couldn't meet all my needs and as a young girl who had just finished serving and left her parents house, I needed a lot of things to survive.I loved him t


Happy new year to you. If you are reading this article, then It's all about you and your progress this year. The much talked about 2016 is here and we all are witnessing it(Glory to God). The tension is rising as the year goes by. The plans for the year has all been set, but we have to be very sincere now. In as much as we have all planed out how the year would be for us, many do not exactly know how to begin or go about it. The truth remains that the pressure to succeed or make 2016 the best has been mounting up and when the pressure exceeds reasoning.............much may not be achieved. If you can relate with this pressure which at times turns out as though you are nervous about the new year and just maybe your dreams are too much and may not be actualized, then read on cause we just may settle some things here. There are certain things you have to bear in mind which will help you go through the year. These tips will help us actualize our goals without that pressure that

MY MAMA'S STORY..............

       Many many years ago, when we were still kids and marriage never made sense to us. My mum told my dad a story to our hearing. She narrated the story of a young girl who got married to a young Nigerian man who lived in London. The marriage as she said was simply based on the fact that the girl studied nursing in school. Prior to the marriage, the man had insisted that he would marry only a nurse and nothing less.  The parents helped him find a young beautiful nurse and the marriage clicked. Months into the marriage, problems arose. My mum said the girl complained that the man always beat her up at the slightest provocation. After much struggle to salvage the marriage, they ended in a divorce My mum claimed the marriage ended so soon cause conditions were attached to the marriage and not love. Being a child, I could barley understand what my mum meant by conditions.               Two decades later.....all grown with my understanding and knowledge about certain th

TO SPEAK UP OR NOT..........

.......Few days after Christmas I went for a friend's wedding and since she was an old school friend, I met with other friends who I had not seen in a long while. Catching up was very interesting and our conversation took a new turn considering we were at a wedding. We talked about marriage, relationships and most of all love. One of the four ladies was married, the other was in what I termed ''leading relationship''.......(a relationship that would lead to marriage by all means). The third lady didn't say much about herself so I couldn't place her. I was single and that made the conversation balanced.  Our attention drifted away completely  from the couple and the wedding generally. We were all engrossed in our little conversation which made us turn tables facing each other.  ......''I don't think the woman should say if she is not satisfied, cause it would seem a bit disrespectful to the man'' the married one said. '