Happy new year to you. If you are reading this article, then It's all about you and your progress this year. The much talked about 2016 is here and we all are witnessing it(Glory to God). The tension is rising as the year goes by. The plans for the year has all been set, but we have to be very sincere now. In as much as we have all planed out how the year would be for us, many do not exactly know how to begin or go about it. The truth remains that the pressure to succeed or make 2016 the best has been mounting up and when the pressure exceeds reasoning.............much may not be achieved.

If you can relate with this pressure which at times turns out as though you are nervous about the new year and just maybe your dreams are too much and may not be actualized, then read on cause we just may settle some things here. There are certain things you have to bear in mind which will help you go through the year. These tips will help us actualize our goals without that pressure that makes our initiatives dormant.

#Tip 1,    It's just you and you alone. You are not competing with anyone in life. Ignore the whole vibe and shades from people that may not be in the best phase of their career. Focus on yourself and try building your way to that height where you want to attain in 2016. You may have heard this a lot of times but am going to say it to you again.......You are all you need to succeed. Every thing it takes to achieve those written down goals is in you and you just need to awaken those potentials and put them to use.

#Tip 2,   Nobody's life is enough to be a yard stick for yours. So looking at others and being pressurized into making it big is not an option. Sound and unbiased strategy is whats needed regardless of who is around you or the business that is close by that seems to be flourishing so well and yet yours may not be as fantastic. 

My point is this, your goals for the new year can never be exactly the same with another. In other words you need to work at developing ideas on how your own goals and vision for the year would become actualized without side distractions from others who you want to set as a standard over your life.

 #Tip 3,   Calm down. What's with the rush and panic. Let your heart be at rest for the new year and all your plans. You will eventually succeed if only you calm down and allow your inner mind speak to you on the brilliant ideas it has in store for you. 

The world is too noisy and a lot of people fall prey to this noise made by empty vessels who only want to frustrate your plans. You wake up in the morning and the first thing you hear is noise about how you are not making it if you are in a particular stage of your life. 

The truth remains that some people are early runners and some start running later but we all will get there. If you have laid down plans already which you may not have started implementing, that means you want to succeed. So Calm down and start this journey of a new year with so much faith in your self and what you can achieve.

       That been said and establishing the fact that you are not in any race with anyone as to who finishes first, you need to CALM DOWN and focus on one thing which is YOU. You set those goals your self and you have what it takes to actualize each one.

Therefore take your time, all by yourself, away from social media and make brilliant plans on how to go about each of the goals.

 Set a detailed plan and  actual deadline on fulfilling each goal.

Make conscious and daily effort to get each goal accomplished.

Loose sight of people who flaunt their progress at you and focus on getting things done for yourself.

Success means different things to different people, find out what success means to you and work at achieving it.

Read up books in other to equip yourself better in the areas you wish to delve into.

Furthermore I want you to see the new year as a clean slate. A new opportunity to recreate your world into what you have always wished. I believe so much in you and am wishing you all the best.

Enjoy the year

                                                       #Kender cares.


Anonymous said…
Tanks Kender. I needed this encouragement
Anonymous said…
Tanks for having faith in me. I love ur work
Anonymous said…
Well done Kender. Its encouraging to know I ain't the only one nervous at the new year.
spower said…
Kender I need 625k any advise on where to get will go along way to help my plans this year.
Tanks dear. You ain't alone and u will definitely make it
You are most welcome dear
Anonymous said…
Well spoken. Expecting more on Nana's diary

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