Sitting comfortably on the balcony after a stressful work day. A friend of mine calls to complain of his sweet relationship that had gone sour. (You'll know am a counselor in my own little way) I calmed him down to know what exactly was the problem but to no avail. He kept screaming.."I didn't know she was like this". 

"Calm down and tell me what she did or what you did so I could understand you" I said in a bid to make  sense out of what he was saying. (The truth is that I love to hear gist and his complaints instead of telling me the actual story was irritating) He finally calmed down and told me the whole story. 

He met this girl some years ago and they started dating just a few months ago, precisely six months ago. They seemed so perfect to me and I always admired their connection. They were more like friends turned lovers. He always said from the unset that the whole relationship was marriage bound since he was ready to settle down. 

He told the girl to be truthful and honest with him and that way their relationship would be a smooth one. So they both agreed to say the truth no matter how painful it was. Few weeks back prior to the break up, the girl traveled (Let's call him Charles and call the girl..........Evelyn. I hope the names I chose match....hehhehehehhehe).

 Evelyn told him she was going to Calabar to see a friend from school. Since she always talked about her, Charles gave his consent. Apparently she went to see her caregiver which she claims was  a great friend (*clears throat). On returning after one week of avoided phone calls and constant bbm chats instead calls, Charles decided to see her immediately she came back to know why she had refused picking her calls

Evelyn explained that she was having a great time with her friend and didn't have time for her phone. Charles believed everything she said and waved the suspicion that had crept in. Days after the travel, she went shopping, changed her phone, bought some expensive furniture for her apartment just before pay day. Charles who said he didn't feel convinced as she told him she used her savings kept asking her and she finally owned up to having a care giver who took very good care of her and they were on one occasion sexually involved.

In as much as Charles wanted the truth from her which she later told after many days of asking, He couldn't handle the thought of a girl he was in a relationship with having another man who provides for her. The word care giver was indeed a glorified term for 'runs' in his own opinion. The truth was just too heavy and discomforting that it turned a sweet relationship sour. 

After he had narrated the story to me, he went on to ask if every girl had a care giver cause Evelyn said almost every girl has a care giver. Well, I told him not all girls had a care giver and if he can........ he should forgive the girl cause he sought the truth from her and she told him the truth. 
The truth is at times very difficult to handle. We often say we want to be told the truth especially when we are in a relationship but most times we can't just handle the truth. I once met a girl who was a ''friend'' for just two weeks. 

When this new friend got talking and she told me stuffs about her, I literally saw her in a new light and the whole connection was lost. I had earlier told her she could trust me when she asked if she could tell me stuffs but after the whole spilling, the friendship was never the same.

The truth is divine and a vital key for a good relationship. If you require the truth, make sure you can handle it. Some truths can be as deep as life that it keeps you insane for a moment. Keep being honest an equally keep and open mind about people telling you the truth. 

Kendites, what is your view on girls being in a relationship and having a caregiver. Is it right?  What experiences do you have with being told the truth and it was so discomforting and unbearable. Let's keep the conversation interesting at the comment section or you can email in at

E-Hugs to you'll.................and you know what.............Kender cares!


Anonymous said…
As for me, caregivers are just men or women who give out money or material stuffs to get something in return. So its not for people in serious relationship.
Anonymous said…
Well the truth can be so painful and deep but it needs to be told. I don't subscribe to care givers and their wahala.
Anonymous said…
Caregivers are a big distraction to every relationship. In fact I see it as cheating. So no caregiver distraction in a relationship. The truth should always be told.
Anonymous said…
Well, I once had a fact my ex who told me he used to be a cultust in school. Though I loved him but when he told me that, I became scared and before I knew what was happening the fear replaced the love. I guess I didn't handle the truth well just like u.
Anonymous said…
Counselor Kender ...abeg where ur office dey. My opinion is always to say the truth even though its difficult.*Ruth
Anonymous said…
1st time hearing the word care giver and I had to ask. Well I really think from the explanation I got that its really really a glorified term for runs. Lol
Oslar said…
Deep truths can be a huge issue for me. I will rather u tell me the simple ones and leave the heavy ones
Jess said…
Nice story. I think caregivers are intruders and should not be allowed to mess things up in relationships. The girls should be careful
Thanks for your contribution
Thanks for contributing....
You are correct. Thanks for contributing...
Yes my dear. We should handle the truth better if we want to be told the truth
Would communicate you on the office, for now.....its online
Thanks for joining the conversation
Thanks for joining the conversation Jess
spower said…
Let's reason it from this perspective. Why would a gal in a serious relationship have a "care giver " if her man Is capable. I think the guys are also to blame her. Y bring her into a relationship if u can't take care of her. Meanwhile if am dating you and u still have a "care giver" and I find out, is either you leave him or u leave me whether am capable or not #winks

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