THINKING ALOUD................

I ain't talking to no one, just thinking aloud and wondering where good friendship and quality time being spent together with friends has gone to without the interruption of phones. Chats are preferred to real discussions with present friends. We feel at ease chatting away time with unseen persons and ignoring the value of true friendship and quality time.

I seem to be lamenting or some will call it childish gibberish. Now I'll explain as much as I can so we can be on the same page and perhaps this madness of trying to show the world every bit of the things happening in your life just to be termed "living the life" would stop.

While growing up, we valued our friends coming over to our place and discussing with us. Sometimes our parents joined the conversation and we got to learn and know more. We could even identify when our friends lied cause the eye contact was there and the facial expressions too. Before the invention of Instagram, friends and family would have a nice time hanging out and they would really have all the time to enjoy themselves and have fun without distractions from the Gram. 

It's no longer like that. With the quest to show off and compete unnecessarily with people who may not have even noticed you is the order of the day. We can't even hang out with friends without being called later by someone else to be given a detail of how the whole date went. How?............Instagram or snap chat. 

I went out sometime last year with a female friend of mine. We had been postponing the date for quite a long time cause of work schedule and her studies. Finally we fixed a date for Saturday and it finally worked out. 

On getting to the restaurant we made our orders and started gisting. As babe wey like gist like me nah....I got ready to dig into the served plate of fresh gist when she came up with picture wahala. I asked her to wait at least until on our way home and maybe then we could take pictures as much as she wanted.

Foods came and we had a nice time and not without her taking a picture of every moment for the gram. After a nice date of divided attention which I was guilty of as well, we went home and agreed to date some time again. I went home not really having much regrets about the date until I found out that most of the stories or would I say gist she gave me where not finished. They all stopped half way due to some distractions from chats or Instagram comments.

Na waoohhhhhh

That being said and feeling bad for all the half half gist I would have enjoyed, another friend of mine came to see my family. After Lunch with my parents we got talking on Nigerian unemployment issues and other related matters. In all our discussions he didn't seem to engage his eyes (lol). All he did was to fake a face of being engrossed in the discussion while pressing his phone. I was thinking it was just girls with this issue, but apparently the men has same problem too. Later at night a friend whom I had not spoken to in a while called to say she noticed I was with Mike today. I was not surprised, I would be guilty of that as well.

Now this is my thought. Have you ever wondered how sweet it would be to live a mysterious life and not let strangers in on everything that goes on in your life. (Ok, take some time to think about it. No one knows how successful you've been and when they see you physically they marvel. Just think) 

Most followers don't want you flooding their timeline with many pictures you took the same day. Keep your relationship and personal life off the Gram and you'll be glad you did. Try to enjoy every moment with your friends without your phones distracting you. Build the bond with your spouses and put the phone away for some time. Learn to enjoy conversations with friends, posting pictures can come much later.

Am done thinking aloud. Its time to sip on my agbalumo juice.................(hehehehe)

N:B I'm not trying to exonerate myself. I'm guilty as well but maybe the difference between us is that I wish to stop and appreciate my friends when they are present. So how about you?

I want to know your opinion as well. What do you think?

                                   #Kender cares!


Anonymous said…
OK, we've heard
Desmond said…
We re all guilty. But some friends can be boring
mysterious said…
Ok. Noted.
Anonymous said…
Pls still waiting for crisis. Its been ages
Ug said…
I love the tone of ur thoughts
Esther said…
Agbalumo Pls I want some
Femi said…
I've been reading ur posts and I have not really been able to comment on any one cos of issues in publishing my comment. I just wanted to say I admire you a lot and you are so inspiring and you equally have a great sense of humour. Keep it up my dear. You are going places. Nice one
Anonymous said…
Pls can u write on Inferiority complex. I don't know .......but I would really appreciate if you talked about it. Thanks
Ziphar said…
Kender pls I really need more of your relationship posts.
Britney said…
Thank u Kender. Make sure u do as u have said.
OK dear, am here for you
Ok Ziphar. Noted. Thanks for reading
You are most welcome Britney. I sure will try my best.

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