How high do you want to rise? Do you want to continually increase? Do you want to see more of a win/win in your life, career, academics, business, relationship etc. If so you need certain attributes which you may already have or needs some fine tuning. 

DISCIPLINE: Rising higher requires tons of discipline. To take charge of your life requires discipline. It requires the fortitude and mental stamina to resist temptations from meaningless lures that are a shadow of the real thing. To be disciplined entails an undistracted focus on what matters most and a relentless strive to attain your set goals.

INTEGRITY:  Above rising high, integrity is sure for greatness. It's a vital make up of great men/women who match their words with their deeds. People who do things for the right reasons and can be held for what they say any day any time. Reputable men/women who are an example and rise above others for their ability to be trusted. Integrity is a sure key for rising higher.

COURAGE: Courage is the awareness of a more important course even in the face of fear. Courage to go on in life even with surrounding situations that are not pleasing or comforting. Courage is fighting steady and strong even in the face of disappointments, rejections, opposition, setbacks and discouragements. Believing in yourself and determining to win. 

RESPONSIBILITY: When our plans goes in a different direction or fails, it's easy to make excuses and push the blame on others. But we only rise higher in life when we take full responsibility of our actions and attitudes. Take 100% responsibility of your actions, ideas and initiatives, thereby creating your own circumstances. With that you become better and stronger. 

PURPOSE: The mental creation always precedes the physical, that is why you must always have a mental picture of where you are headed. Keep your purpose in mind. Knowing our purpose and keeping our vision in mind always helps us spot opportunities where others may not have seen them.
''where do I want to be five years from now?''
Ask yourself this question and don't be in a hurry to answer. Make a detailed DAILY plan on how to achieve what ever your answer is. With this you walk daily into your plans and purpose. 

        I believe that with these five attributes of rising higher, the sky will be just a starting point for you. 

                           Have a fruitful year.
                                            #Kender cares!

                     #Daily confession


Anonymous said…
Another wonderful piece
Anonymous said…
Excited about this one. The responsibility part got me.

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