Every one wants a happy relationship but some like my friend would say are ''emotionally lazy'' to go about it. I see relationship as a big bank where deposits and investments are supposed to be made so as to have a happy and impressive relationship. 

Think about how happy you are when you deposit some cool cash into your account. The though of a huge balance literally puts a smile on your face. That's the same way I see relationships. Big major deposits keeps both parties happy. 

Relationship some say is full time work. That being true considering all the thinking, strategy, ideas, scheming and so on that a relationship involves. The work is a two way thing and without major deposits like care, affections, gifts, quality time, trust etc, the relationship would definitely go bankrupt and nothing left to salvage it.

Further more, we should understand that what means a major deposit to a man may mean nothing to a woman. This is because men and women clearly have different needs. A man for example needs respect, companionship, sex (pardon my unfiltered nature now), time. A woman needs care (which can be in different forms), attention, affection, conversation etc. 

Now that being said, love is primary in a relationship but love means different things to both men and women. That's where the needs comes in. 

When a woman is shown care and affection, she feels loved. When her man takes out time from his ''busy'' schedule (we all know you guys are damn so busy) to gist with her, help her out with home chores and equally listen to all the plenty complaints, she is overwhelmed with love. She in turn reciprocates the love in a double measure (that's women for you. Show her love and she doubles her love for you).

For the man, love is respect, companionship especially when it comes to his recreational activities and those things that are important to him. A man sees love from that respect point of view. Respect your man and he acknowledges you love him (other needs inclusive oo). Sex is another major need of a man. Am not trying to say that women don't need sex..........No, but Sex is not so important to a woman as it is to a man. 

Never do more of withdrawing, make daily deposits in your relationship no matter how little. When challenging times comes, those deposits cover up and the relationship still goes on smoothly. 

No one knows it all or rather no one is perfect, so as much as it depends on you, put in your best to make your relationship work. The truth is that you don't really need to be schooled on how to make your relationship work (well as insanely opposite as it may sound, its the truth).

Men: You'll know what it takes to keep your woman head over heels in love with you daily. Let's forget the whole long talk. Same thing applies to women. The whole problem in relationships arises when selfish interests creeps in and then we careless to address it. 

When it's LOVE, quote me anywhere, you will do all it takes to make that relationship work. So what do we really need to address here........It's the selfish interests/deal breakers. And what are those deal breakers.....?

                                        be continued
Photo credit :Manasseh art.

                   #Kender cares!


Tolu said…
Y to be continued. Pls post the next one
zazzy said…
Woah. Am loving this post. Next........
Anonymous said…
I love ur articles. Keep it up
Debbie said…
Kender lol. U re just say the truth and straight to the point. U should be a relationship counselor. Ur relationship posts are inspiring.
Anonymous said…
Kender, its either u re married or in a serious relationship for u to know so much. Well done.
Anonymous said…
Kender talk to us.....
spower said…
Chei! relationship matter.kender do u know that sometimes I wish that word doesn't exist. Anyways thanks for today's lesson. Thanks

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