What is that one thing you are sure of?
Who is that person you believe so much that you nod your head 100% to his/ her ideas and opinions.

If there is anybody to be sure of......its YOU.
The truth is that no one cares about how good you are except you. The way you carry yourself is a reflection of the level of confidence you have in yourself.

Do you believe you are the best or you just assume that maybe you are just good enough. (Just maybe I'm good and if I try, by chance I can be taken for a particular job).

If you believe you are the best painter in the world, you will carry yourself like the best, relate to others like the best and act same too.

I know we all have that mental doubt, that comes to play in our minds, but what makes others confident of who they are is that they DON'T dwell on those mental doubts.

They forge ahead and prove those doubt's wrong. Drown the voice that antagonizes your self worth. Rise above "maybe I can be the best".

That's a mediocre's mind set and you are not a mediocre. Don't pass through life unnoticed. Make a difference, and you can only do that when you believe in yourself.

I tell you today to believe in what you can do. Believe in your dreams and visions and work at making it a reality.

Believe you can do it. Do not be afraid. Take one step at a time. If you fall, you rise up again and continue. Down is way too crowded for us, let's move to the top. Don't settle for seeking approval from others because most times they won't give it.

Give yourself all the approval you need and others will follow suit.
Don't ever let somebody tell you that you can't do it. Not even me.
You want something..........Go get it!

Do have a productive day!


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