Growing up, our dreams and aspirations were beautifully captured. We had a clear mental image of what we wanted to do, who we wanted to be and how we desired life to turn out.

Then comes growth and we become adults. Life presents us with different options. Too different from what we dreamt of.
Most of us got side tracked into jobs thay we don't like. The thought of a Monday morning literally gives us heart attack. We gradually loose the taste of all the beautifully captured mental picture of our dreams and purpose.


Maybe cause you have been told that your dreams are not realizable.
Maybe cause you have been forced to settle for what you can lay your hands on simple because you have been told that economy is bad and you can't get there.

The society subjugates us into something we don't want to be. Into a mediocre life because we just want to survive and that's all. Others exploit us and turn us into "beasts of burden". Many use our intellect from 7-5 and gives us peanut in return.

But is that how its supposed to go?
Would you sell your dreams and go through life unnoticed?

Stand up with me and pursue your dreams. Be who you want to be!
Do what you can with what you've got now. You are much more creative than you think. Don't allow the voice of negativity speak louder than your dreams.

You can do it.
Open the door of your intellect and allow the wisdom embedded inside of you to flow. You are the answer to people's prayers.

I DARE you not to sell your dreams
I DARE you never to settle for  less
Don't give up on ur dreams

Remember: It's either you spend your time helping others live their dreams or you spend time living your own dreams.

Do have a productive day
Kender cares!


ujunwa said…
Nice one. But it's also good to start small right?
Yes @Ujunwa, its good start of small

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