Guessing what my thoughts are on today..........Keep reading and you might just be thinking in the same direction with me or maybe not.

I consider this a bit strange to write on this, but like I said, Its my thought pattern and am free to express myself. The more I try to defend the not so innocent, the more I find out reasons and excuses behind each action. (You'll understand with time)

I took a trip some years back to somewhere still in Nigeria. I went for a conference and after the tiring lecture hours and few tea breaks, I was totally worn out. 

I took my freedom and opportunity to explore the city into my own hands and within few hours of exiting the conference center gate, I had visited three wonderful places (The art center, the museum and the resort).

 I finally decided to rest at the resort and have a nice rest (hehehehehe). 

The night at the resort was so beautiful and further leisure walk down the tiled and neatly cut grass walk way brought me face to face with what I termed ''The Reality''

The Ladies were dressed shabbily. More like half naked. I gazed upon the beautiful ladies who appeared in different sizes and shapes. Swinging their hips from one direction to another and making facial expressions that read ''I really don't care what anyone thinks of me''. 

Curiosity wouldn't allow me waka pass to where I was going. My attention was drown immediately to one of the ladies that looked so young. From my mental guess she looked more like a nineteen year old. 

I fed my eyes as cars dropped and picked any of the girls who looked exactly their taste. I wouldn't say my heart went out to them or I pitied them......NO.

 My mind ruffled with the fact that those stories I heard about Ladies of the night were true and the baffling realization that these ladies I had seen were not in anyway looking hungry, sad or malnourished. 

A friend of my elder sister once told us a story of how she had seen a group of young ladies who stood on the street and solicited for sex from men who passed by in exchange for money. She pitifully described them as ladies who had lost their parents or loved ones to death or disease and had no hope of survival. 

After she had told us the story, I made a mental picture of those ladies as people who were sad, malnourished, hungry looking and lacking care. I had never imagined I would see those set of ladies laughing happily on the way while at their work or even looking healthy.

Much was thought of on that night and I looked for reasons to justify the ''way of making ends meet'' or ''the method of survival''.  I did come up with some which after I recently encountered them again was null.

So basically we all know what the term ''Ladies of the night'' mean. (If you don't please look it up, Thanks). Candidly I must say It requires such  a huge sense of confidence and self esteem to be in that ''Profession''. 

It's really not easy having to show one's face and know that all you have to offer is sex. Then again for one to have that confidence, the person must thrive well in public speaking or any of such profession that requires facing the public. 

Now lets do some analysis. If truly hardship or poverty is the major contributing factor to this kind of insanity, then what extent of hardship drives one to the street?

Left for YOU to answer.

Life truly is not easy. To some its a bed nicely decorated with roses and a warm blanket and to some its a cold night with no cloths on and left to face the terrors of the night alone.

 We all have our stories of hardship and survival (which by the way is our pride and our badge of honor), that does not mean we have to stray the wrong way in our quest for survival. 

The economy is not friendly......YES, but some still survived and are still surviving through honest labour. Resorting to such means of livelihood isn't really the best. 

Most of what makes people seek wealth and satisfaction is not really the fact that they are hungry or in great need but the sole idea of having everything all at once, without having to work hard for it.

Just in-case I forget to say, It not just the Ladies who hawk sex too, I hear the guys have joined.  So to be on the fair side, am reaching out to both the boys and girls. 

Let's believe in honest handwork and the talents that lies inside of us. Knowing fully well that no one has it all or knows it all, I believe dropping my heart felt advice of honest hard work that reaps happy success is the best.

I do have a lot to say on this matter, but my thoughts have gone really uncensored and I would like to protect the ''not so innocent''. Not forgetting to say that I equally noticed that most of these beautiful and wonderfully created souls live the most expensive life. So its not about poverty. 

Before I conclude my abruptly cut short thought. I would like to blame three Parties for this ill.

She/he that has an insatiable quest for good things of life and can't work for it

The Nigerian Government's inability to provide jobs

The mentality passed down from generations that education makes one wealthy thereby making many abandon skills and talents they posses.

Thanks for reading. 
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Anonymous said…
Hehehehe. You have a silent huge sense of humor. 'Few tea breaks' hhahahahha
Anonymous said…
please still waiting for uncompromised. stop hanging us
Anonymous said…
The neatly captured lessons and sense of humor got me. Keep it up
Anonymous said…
Nice story Kender!

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